View Full Version : Another init problem

03-25-2004, 02:37 PM
Error is: Kernel panic: no init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.

Ive compiled the 2.6.4 kernel off the knops included config (I went through and added lots of things) and I'm trying to use it with the knops miniroot.gz.

Me and my infinite wisdom forgot to do the kernel patch...but I figure it's ok if I keep the passed args it under 512 bytes. [It appears it comes with 2.6.4 kernel...and I compiled it in]

After debugging a bit..I think it means it sees the miniroot.gz...but it doesn't like something about it. (But it's stock from boot.img)

UPDATE: After a bit of reading etc... I came to the conclusion that it's not running the linuxrc file like it's supposed to. The ramdisk is loading fine. So I guess the real question is..Why is my kernel not running linuxrc. It looks like all the support to do this is compiled into my kernel.

Figured it out...just specify root= when passing to the kernel