View Full Version : NOOB Problems again...Please help

03-27-2004, 09:27 PM
I can only get knoppix running if i type "knoppix noagp failsafe", why is this? I cant figure it out...Also if i just press enter to boot it normally it loads everything and the monitor goes on standby and i cant get it to come on, it is almost like it hangs??

If this helps this is my computer
P4 3.2GHz
Asus P4C800-E Delux
512MB ram
ati 9600XT

Also is 512RAM enough to run it through the ram??

03-27-2004, 10:50 PM
failsafe shouldn't do a thing unless its the only thing typed so you'll want to get rid of that.

My guess is that knoppix doesn't like you agp set up and is there for giving you a problem. Same things happens with my laptop.

I don't think it hangs but rather doesn't continue loading. Try pressing alt ctrl f2 to see if you can get into the Command line.

Also 512 isn't enough to even hold knoppix let along give you enough ram for the Ram disk and system ram.