View Full Version : Uninstalling firewall

03-30-2004, 06:49 PM
I installed the firewalls Bastille and Guarddog. The first installed fine but didn't seem to work so I removed it. Weird thing is that Kpackage still reports it and I can't remove it (anymore) from KPackage.
Guarddog also installed allright but now I get these damn annoying status messages in my consoles. So I uninstalled Guarddog and apt reported that it was successfully removed, but the messages are still there! How do I remove apps the proper way?

03-30-2004, 11:44 PM
open guard dog, click on the log tab, uncheck all the logging boxes. That will stop the logs from popping up in you console.

03-31-2004, 05:20 PM
My experiences with Linux firewalls are very poor so far. I noticed that Linux doesn't "stealth" it's ports like in Windows (the test was performed on www.grc.com) so I tried Bastille and Guarddog. Nothing changed to my surprise and now I have an annoying frequent message in all my consoles. What a bummer. Uninstalling didn't help either. Now I'm just playing with Linux without net access. Luckily my Knoppix is on a redundant laptop. Hmpf...