View Full Version : ntpdate script does not seem to start at the right time.

03-31-2004, 03:04 AM
Still working through the documentation but there's a ntpdate script in /etc/init.d and, on boot up, it appears that it is trying to load before ppp is set up. However, when I look in /etc/rcS.d, the ntpdate scripts starts with s51 while the ppp script starts with s38. According to my understanding, this should be OK since that means ppp should start before ntpdate.

Am I missing something?



04-01-2004, 03:37 AM
I did the following (as root):

First, I backed up my ntpdate script:

mv /etc/init.d/ntpdate /etc/init.d/ntpdate.bak

Then, I removed it from startup (it was at s51):

update-rc.d ntpdate remove

Then, I restored the ntpdate script:

mv /etc/init.d/ntpdate.bak /etc/init.d/ntpdate

Then, I reinstalled it at 80

update-rc.d ntpdate defaults 80

Only problem is that the echo'd messages don't show since it's probably the last thing that happens at boot. OTOH - The clock is correct as compared to my cell phone and daylight savings time is coming up so I should know if it worked or not by then for sure.