View Full Version : Compression! Lets all pitch in

03-31-2004, 05:18 PM
Can we all start listing our compression percentage and on what hardware.
we need to know what works best xfs vs ext3 intell vs AMD does it make a difference? Why can I remove 170mb from the original knoppix iso, add 50mb of new software and be 60 megs over the original image. I hate to split hairs but I don't want to remove anything else.

I'm using an AMD 2400xp 750megs ram 750 megs swap ext3 file system.
using KNOPPIX_V3.3-2004-02-09-EN.iso create_compressed_fs says I got 39% compression
PLEASE reply with your hardware and results, I know the original compressed better than mine and I want to know why.

03-31-2004, 06:21 PM
It's not the HW issuge but the way knoppix is built - it uses a bit diffrent technique than all other how documents..


03-31-2004, 06:27 PM
OK, I can appreciate that, Is there a how-to on where, how and when to implement this in the build process.
Where do I use the /KNOPPIX.build/mkisofs.sort file created.