View Full Version : Hey

04-01-2004, 05:41 AM
Hello! Knoppix is awesome! There have been a few problems I've had, one is that Chronium goes extremely slowly, and another, how would I go about installing RPMS? I'm trying to take a peek into Adonthell, and I need to know the root password. Thanks for your time!

Oh yeah, my system specs for helping me with Chronium, an Nvidia Geforce FX 5200, P3 800mhz(;_;), and 256mb of memory.

04-01-2004, 02:54 PM
first of all ... please try to give some hint on the content of your request when you type the subject ... "hey" isn't really helping :?

as far as chromium is concerned, i am not too sure but maybe the 3D acceleration of your video card isn't triggered (i am not too familiar with game stuff)

the root password ... by default there is no root password. you can change that by typing in a terminal: sudo passwd

04-01-2004, 03:06 PM
Hello! Knoppix is awesome! There have been a few problems I've had, one is that Chronium goes extremely slowly, and another, how would I go about installing RPMS? I'm trying to take a peek into Adonthell, and I need to know the root password. Thanks for your time!

Oh yeah, my system specs for helping me with Chronium, an Nvidia Geforce FX 5200, P3 800mhz(;_;), and 256mb of memory.


Looks like three querries:
(1) Chronium runs slow...
(2) Root password...
(3) Installing RPMS.

Possible answers, from what I know...
(#1) I had a "cheap" motherboard mounted video card, that "shared" memory with my system memory - Chronium ran slower than a rock rolls uphill... I ended up getting a AGP GeForce4, with 64meg of memory on the board... This didn't help, until Stephen pointed me to the drivers/modules that needed to be installed to use that card. After that, I haven't found an action, or arcade, game that doesn't run a lot faster now.

(#2) No Root, or SuperUser, password is given in the Live CD. If you install Knoppix to a hard drive, during the install, it asks for you to set one up. But, if you view the Knoppix CD, you will find a document on "Security" that explains why no ROOT password was set up in Knoppix, on the CD boot... To get a root password, temporarily, you can open a shell (the icon that runs allong the bottom of the screen, looks like a monitor with a shell in front of it)...

In the shell, do the following:

The first command will "make" you root, and since no password is active for root, you just "become" root (in that shell)
The second command is what will change the current users password (since you did a "su", you would thereby be changing the "root" password) for this session...

Explanation of "for this session":
Since you are running off the CD, nothing will be retained from this boot to the next boot, UNLESS - you save your configurations, and/or, use a persistant home...

If my memory serves me correctly - if you set up a root password on this boot, don't save your config or have a persistant home setup, then when you shutdown and then reboot into the Knoppix CD again - nothing will be retained from your previous boot - this includes the root password being setup. (you might want to do a search in knoppix.net for "root password" - tons of postings already exist, in this forum, on this topic)

(#3) Not usre if you know this, so, if you do, humor me... Knoppix is based on Debian - Debian is another "flavor" of Linux - Debian using ".deb" packages for installing software, libs, utiilities, etc... - and lastly - apt-get is used to view, search, install, remove, update, and upgrade these ".deb" packages and software. From what I know... RPMS (or RPM's) are used in RedHat??? Or is it Mandrake??? Never the mind, You might want to see if you can find what you are looking for in a "apt-get" instead of the RPMS form. {???]

Hopefully this helps, (my flame retarded suit is in for "previous" "encounters" [giggle])

04-01-2004, 03:10 PM
you can use the "alien" command to load softs in .rpm format. Apt-get install alien, then see "man alien" for details.

04-01-2004, 03:24 PM
I have to agree with mazaal, you might try a more descriptive subject line, on your next post...

A more descriptive post subject can "advertise" for the best people who could be used to help out with the problem.

Some ideas:
"Problem installing GeForce4 MX440 Video"

The above would - probably - get people who have worked on getting these video cards working, or more people who are ALSO trying to get these cards working.

When, in your case, you have more like a "Shopping List" of things - you don't have that much room on the subject line to list them out, maybe something like:

"Video and Install issues", as I mentioned before, you don't need to make another subject post that has "ROOT PASSWORD" in it, we have a lot of those already.

You just might want to be more descriptive on your subjects... I opened this topic post because I was curious about it, but, some others, possibly the ones who have your answers, may not be, nor may they view them - outcome: no answers, no replies, and your post goes by way of the wind...

Just trying to help, no flame intended,

04-01-2004, 05:18 PM
Next time I'll make a more descriptive subject. :p
Anyways, kinda figured it was like Debian, because when I tried to download Tuxracer through that one program in the InstallSoftware guide, it was using DEB files. So I read up a little. When I try to install the Nvidia Drivers, they take up all the space I'm allowed to use. Kinda sucks.
Perhaps there are a smaller set of drivers? Also, it changed from two to three questions when I edited it.

Thanks for everyones helpfulness!