View Full Version : strange problem installing nic after HD install...

04-02-2004, 02:11 PM

After checking out the cd version of Knoppix and reading this forum for a few days I decided to install it to my hard drive (never had my own *nix install before, always been a mac/win guy).

I'm quite happy to say that on the 2nd try - everything went really well and I have what appears to be a solid dual boot setup using GAG.

Of course I have numerous questions, however - right now the big PITA is that I can't seem to get the nic driver installed.

I have a D-Link gigabit card that isn't natively supported, so I'd previously downloaded the driver and have even had it setup twice before (once while using the CD version of Knoppix and once yesterday immediatgely after installing it to the hard drive.

It's strange... after the HD install I was able to setup the nic driver, and change numerous other system prefs. S**t, I was browsing the web, using the IM client, loving life, nearly patting myself on the back... ;)

But, upon trying to change the resolution to 1024x768 it told me I needed to reboot. I did, and when logging back in - all of the settings I'd just done and the nic driver install were gone (maybe not literally gone, but they sure seemed to be).

Now - when I try to install the D-Link driver I get the following error:

FATAL: can't create skge.o: Read Only file system.

Well, the properties for the drive are NOT set to read only, so I have no idea what's up. Anyone?

I'm new to this os, so any help will be appreciated.


04-02-2004, 02:59 PM
Well I am quite new and have had to re install on my HDD many times due to some screw ups and before I got the configuration i wanted....I supposed there is a way torecover but I dont know....since KNOPPIX is so easily installed, it may be just as well to re install and when everything is the way it was before, just leave screen resolution alone!!!!