View Full Version : help needed with lm sensors

04-04-2004, 04:55 PM
I have a hard install of knoppix 3.3 debian style. I need to keep an eye on my cpu's temperature in linux (I am in linux 90% of the time :D now ). I have installed lm sensors and its dependencies and ran sensor-detect and followed its instructions which are:
To load everything that is needed, edit /etc/modules and add the modules
listed here to it:

#----cut here----
# I2C adapter drivers
# I2C chip drivers
#----cut here----

Then, run /etc/init.d/modutils

To make the sensors modules behave correctly, add these lines to
/etc/modutils/local and run update-modules:

#----cut here----
# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
#----cut here----

I follow those instructions exactly, I didn't have /etc/modutils/local so made one. But I am consistently getting the error "cant find modules" i2c-isa, sis5595 and it87

could someone clue in newbie me where I am going wrong here? There are conflicting instructions in the lm-sensors FAQ and what sensor-detect tells me to do and I am following above since it is run for machine and I figure it is the correct way for this machine. Help is very much needed, I am tired of rebooting to check my temps in bios or windows. :cry:

04-06-2004, 11:03 PM
Different distributions of linux are organized differently. The equivalent of /etc/modutils/local in Debina is probably named something else. So just creating that directory and adding what needs adding won't help. Instead, you should search around lm-sensors documentation or debian foryums and find out where that stuff needs to go on a Debian system to work correctly.

04-07-2004, 01:24 AM
Thank you, arkaine - I lurk in debian forums and groups but have never asked a question yet and it seems like my knoppix is not quite from the "pure" (don't know what to call it, not meant disparagingly at all) installs they have, very little is black&white to this newbie here. I don't want to knock the debian forums but I know there is a bit of a "hush" when someone mentions they installed it via knoppix. When I run into a problem with a particular program, it is the very devil trying to bring up something I can follow and say "hey, that's my prob right there"

I concentrate my problem-searching here and in linuxquestions.org Closest "match" to me in tribulations is Cuddles with her hd install of 3.3 and she did get the dreaded lm-sensors going. Just isn't sure how she did. All along I have been saying, if Cuddles got it going, I can :idea:

I compiled/installed a vanilla kernel to hopefully make this lm-sensors happy. After totally blowing my Lilo doing that I am a little gun-shy at having a go at the sensors from scratch. Will probably do the dirty deed this weekend (or not :roll: )

04-07-2004, 03:33 AM
I have a hard install of knoppix 3.3 debian style. I need to keep an eye on my cpu's temperature in linux (I am in linux 90% of the time :D now ). I have installed lm sensors and its dependencies and ran sensor-detect and followed its instructions which are:

Hi nishtya,

I used Kanotix because it had acpi support built into the kernel. Here's an outline of how I did it .................

Installed Kanotix found here :-

Then ran the "install-kernel-source-vanilla.sh" found here http://kanotix.com/files/

Lastly downloaded and compiled "I2C 2.8.4 and LM Sensors 2.8.6"
(that's why you needed the kernel source above) from here :-

Apt-get install ksensors

That's the short version :-) but now happily running ksensor showing Temp and Fan speed etc.

Hope this helps

PS the install-kernel-source-vanilla.sh needed for installing vmware too

04-11-2004, 08:30 PM
Thanks, monky. Am close to trying another distro and kanotix is near top of list. I have now finally managed to recompile and install the 2.4.24-xfs custom kernel and compiled it WITH i2c and lm-sensors and it boots! :lol: :lol: :lol: but no, lm-sensors is not loading modules properly if at all and I still can't get the sensors gong. The recompile/install of "new" semi-vanilla (hey, can I trademark that one :wink: kernel requires I recompile/install nvidia and haven't bothered yet - if I can't get lm-sensors to work I can't stick with this knoppix/debian so no point in going through the nvidia driver hell if I am not going further with this.

Kano's scripts are great, I thought him the greatest thing since peanut butter - although I was crushed when he responded rather, err rather not kindly, when I emailed about a problem with getting the vanilla source from his script that he tells me it is NOT meant for knoppix (why does the page I link to say kanotix and knoppix then http://kanotix.com/files/ ?) anyhow - probably will have to switch to a different distro that provides "native" support with this lm-sensor thing. It has been my toughest linux noob challenge to date (I have been trying to get it going for over a week) and maybe I am just not up it.

04-12-2004, 01:06 AM

I dug around my "download" source area, trying to figure out "just what I did" to get lm-sensors working...

This is what I came up with...

First, I tried the "usual" failed attempt of using apt-get, I trink I tried to apt-get -u install xsensors - which had a slew of things it "requested" and "recommended" - xsensors was the only thing I though I needed, and I "knew" I needed lm-sensors, so that was also ( I think ) attempted on an apt-get install - this process failed to get anything "working"

Next was following the thread in "off-topic questions" on this board, with the topic "lm-sensors readings" -=- or something like that... Which led me to using compiled source code -=- As far as I know, I never was given any information about kernel problems, and what you are dealing with, vanilla sources...

I downloaded i2c and lm-sensors into a "common" folder I setup just off the mount point of my MAIN hard drive, where Knoppix was hard drive installed on -=- permissions on these folders were: Owner: anyone who created it, and Group: users -=- which all of the users on my system have been added onto this group. Owner/Group/Other permissions were setup on these folders as "full access" (rwxrwxrwx)

(not sure about this one, but way back when I was trying to get my old WinModem working on my old system, I found out that too many folders having "spaces" in their names, caused many "compiled" source code issues, they wouldn't work right, so, I use non-spaced folder names now, and have the source folders as close to the root, or "/", as possible)

This is the source code, versions, and folders they were un-tar'ed into:

root@Polaris:/gblusr/Installs/lmsensors# ls
i2c-2.8.4 lm_sensors-2.8.5 xsensors
i2c-2.8.4.tar.gz lm_sensors-2.8.5.tar.gz

root@Polaris:/gblusr/Installs/lmsensors# ls -la
total 880
drwxrwxrwx 4 root users 4096 Mar 29 14:25 .
drwxrwxrwx 7 root users 4096 Apr 2 13:33 ..
drwxrwxr-x 8 500 500 4096 Feb 7 15:42 i2c-2.8.4
-rw------- 1 cuddles cuddles 137558 Mar 29 14:18 i2c-2.8.4.tar.gz
drwxrwxr-x 12 500 500 4096 Mar 5 17:09 lm_sensors-2.8.5
-rw------- 1 cuddles cuddles 726736 Mar 29 14:21 lm_sensors-2.8.5.tar.gz
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root users 6247 Mar 29 13:46 xsensors

After running tar on both source code packages that I downloaded, from my memory, all I did was follow the directions on the download page that I got the source from. i2c was done first, then lm-sensors -=- I was then able to use the apt-get install'ed xsensors to monitor with... I hated the interface, and was made aware of GKrellm - and after apt-get install'ing that, it has been running without fail.

I think I was lucky on this one, I thought this one was going to turn out as bad as my ALSA attempt, and THAT was not a pretty sight :(

Hope this helps, and I wish I could help more, most of my information came from the web site provided in the "other" thread, and I basically went through the "quick" install from the site, after doing some reading on the "faq" link on that site.

Wish I could remember more,

04-12-2004, 01:31 AM
I just dug around "The Lounge" forum, and found the link I used, it was provided by Windos_No_Thanks...


I used that, to get to a "Lm-Sensors" web site, and used the "download" link at the top, that took me directly to the i2c and lm-sensors downloads, which are what you see in my previous post...

I tried to "retrace" my steps, and locate where I saw the information on "what do I do after I download these things?" -=- but I can't find the documentation, and I am quite sure, other than the tar command, I needed more help than "assumptions" on what to do next... (as though it might sound like I compile source packages all the time, I don't, and "something" had to have told me to do the "make", etc...)

Maybe this might be a little more help [?]

04-12-2004, 02:12 AM
Howdy, cuddles :P thanks, but feels like I am beating a dead horse here. FWIW, I even managed to even get ALSA loaded in on one of my custom kernels without a hitch. Getting to be quite the kernel-compiler, ain't I? Though not a clue what I am actually doing :oops: Betcha I could even do the nvidia thing now from source :shock: Basically I just follow what people post here there and everywhere as well as having read through all the sensors faqs I can get my hands on.

But my waterloo, lm-sensors compile fails every time with the same darned error 1. something about initialization source not being stable or consistent? I suppose I should take the time and copy down it down, a lot to google for though. It does not come up in the faqs here so it must be something uncommon and specific to my particular config Am going to give it one more try tonight before packing it in for good. Agoogling for lm sensors and debian got me one method I haven't tried yet, so here's crossing fingers. If I can lick this thing nothin' gonna stop me ever again :wink:

04-12-2004, 02:43 AM
Good Luck :!:

PS -=- sheesh, had install the nvidia :!: If you can do that, I am sure you can find a job anywhere as a Linux SysAdmin :!: -=- I was lucky to have Stephen give me the Kano's script on that one, so much flew by the screen, I'd never have the "guts" to do it myself...

Again, crossing my fingers, hope you get it.

04-12-2004, 03:29 AM
:? oh, shoot cuddles - I am compiling now and I am very much afraid this one will work. Why am I afraid? Oh, well, in the course of patching the i2c thing I had to su to root to get something into (or out of? the tmp directory). I, err, failed to exit root and am compiling that way. (Do you hear my hair standing on end?) I don't know what horror befalls a kernel compiled under root. I am afraid to ask

I can't believe actually that fakeroot worked for root? Oh my gosh, I guess it will be back to the drawing board next weekend. I don't dare boot this new "rooted" kernel, dare I? :roll:

04-12-2004, 09:52 AM
Can I make a suggestion? Why don't you simply

apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.25-1-*

or, if you wanted NVidia drivers,

apt-get install nvidia-kernel-image-2.4.25-1.*

replacing * with 386, 586tsc, 686, k6, or k7, depending on your CPU? (Looks like the NVidia kernel also requires the "nvidia-kernel-common" package, but one would think the Debian package manager would install the dependencies.)

Point being, there's an "lm-sensors-2.4.25-1-*" package and an "alsa-modules-2.4.25-1-*" package (where * = same as above) all ready to go, no compilation from source necessary. (You can search the Debian package list (http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages) for "alsa" and "lm-sensors" and "kernel", etc. for more info.)

And you don't have to uninstall your current 2.4.24-xfs kernel; just adjust your /boot/grub/menu.lst (assuming you're using GRUB) to default to the new kernel.

I installed ALSA on Debian Woody (using kernel 2.4.16) I did have to fiddle with configuration files, as explained on ALSA's web site, specific to my sound card. Even so, doesn't that sound easier than compiling from source? (I couldn't really test lm-sensors; it installed fine but my mobo doesn't have sensors on it.)

That does it -- I'm going to have to nuke Red Hat off my K6 and install Debian Sarge, so I can dink around with this.

04-12-2004, 11:34 AM
Well, I won't find out what happens to a kernel compiled mistakenly under root, the compile failed around bttv (more lm sensor, or actually i2c joy :twisted: ) which frankly I didn't think I even had enabled in the config.

Eco, please dink away at this, your input is much appreciated. I will take the 2.4.25-1 kernel under consideration, I have been trying all 3 methods of lm sensor installing (or rather i2c because I think that is where the prob lies): 1. outside of kernel but compiled against a "pure" 2.4.24-xfs running. 2. semi-patch of kernel tree and 3. running the mkpatch and then compiling the whole dang thing over with the newly patch i2c modules. Abysmal failure. :cry: Under no conditions have I ever had /etc/modutils/local which sensors dectect always tells me to edit to add alias char-major- 89 i2c-dev. I have checked several debian lm-sensor documentation and indeed there shold be a /etc/modutils/local <sniffle>

Where I am probably going wrong is it does say to use a vanilla and not a patched kernel no matter what method. I have been using 2.4.24-xfs for the xfs as something or another hadn't made it into unstable yet at the time this knoppix was mastered.

Cuddles, or anyone with a successful lm- sensors going, could you tell me the result of uname -r? I can't believe anymore that it is possible against a 2.4.24-xfs.anything. Once I can get the modules going properly, I don't care about which front-end, I have at times had ksensors going (they are working fine for fans and proc numbers) but don't have any preference.

I just don't know why I keep pounding away at this rather than switching distros. Or waiting for 3.4 which may have the newer i2c (2.8 whatever) already. Stubborn, I guess :roll:

04-12-2004, 01:54 PM
Here ya go Nishtya...

root@Polaris:/gblusr/Installs/lmsensors# uname -r

Hope this helps,

04-12-2004, 02:47 PM
wow, Cuddles. I see it with my own eyes :shock: it is possible! This gives me the strength to carry on! I compiled a fresh yummy kernel this morning while in shower for another go after work at the lm sensors option #3 I am becoming obsessed with kernel compiling, I wonder if there is a twelve-step program for this? 8)

04-12-2004, 08:34 PM
Hmmmmm Nishtya.

Twelve step programs now :?:

I am not sure if I should offer you a "drink", or hand you a "diploma" :?:

From what I have heard, a "twelve step program" is used for recovering alcoholics, and even less sure if this same kind of "program" is used for "higher" education...

Lets find out...

"Grasshopper, when you can snatch the pebble from my hand, or walk on rice paper without leaving footprints, then it is time for you to go..."

Sorry, I used to watch a "lot" of TV when I was younger, that was from "Kung Fu"...

Not sure if you ever posted what error messages you are getting? Can you post them, copy/paste them into a post... I did get a lot of "funny" dialog during my install, but not knowing if it was "good" or "bad", I just kept going... Could this also be the issue??? In other words, doing a "make" can you do the next step in the process, or does the next process fail due to "xxxxxx" is missing???

Having compiled my own programs -=- in the M$ Windows world -=- you compile source to get "object" code, which is then "linked" with module code and libraries... If, when you compile, you get .obj code file, you then would assume "warnings" and not "errors", and go to the "link" process next (this being from a compile example in Windows, it may not be the same in Linux)

Whenever doing source code in Linux, I have always gone on the "assumption" that if the last couple of lines don't say something like: "Fatal Error, object file not created !" -=- that I have gone on to the next step, again, this may not be the same thing in Linux... I have gotten "W"'s in an "apt-get", and always assumed they were warnings, not errors. As long as the end result works, it may just be "Too Much Information", which apt-get tends to do a lot.

I have to admit one thing, I've not gone as far as you have as far as compiling source, my WinModem was as tough as I could go, the lm-sensors source, was more "follow these steps", and even though I didn't have a clue what I was doing, it just worked. Funny thing about Linux, what is easy one place, can be horrific another. (I guess its just the nature of the beast)

Good Luck, if you need anymore assistance, I'll be around (watching) and "praying" for your success :D


04-13-2004, 03:24 AM
sorry, Cuddles :cry: another failure. I went with the latest from the link you gave me, i2c 2.84 and lm sensors 2.86. I tried the "quickstart" option running a freshly compiled (and RUNNING) kernel 2.4.24-xfs. And this is the result, pardon the length but if anybody here has any ideas, please....
i2c all went well with no errors at all on make or make install, then depmod -a
then on to lm-sensors and the
first errors encountered, "make"
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c: In function `nforce2_access':
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:140: error: `I2C_CLIENT_PEC' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:140: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:140: error: for each function it appears in.)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:204: error: `I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_PROC_CALL' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:219: error: `I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA_PEC' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:220: error: `I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_DATA_PEC' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:221: error: `I2C_SMBUS_PROC_CALL_PEC' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:222: error: `I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_PROC_CALL_PEC' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:247: warning: implicit declaration of function `i2c_delay'
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c: In function `nforce2_probe_smb':
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:325: error: `I2C_HW_SMBUS_NFORCE2' undeclared (first use in this function)
make: *** [kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.o] Error 1

second error encountered (as root)on "make instal" duhl
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c: In function `nforce2_access':
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:140: error: `I2C_CLIENT_PEC' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:140: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:140: error: for each function it appears in.)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:204: error: `I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_PROC_CALL' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:219: error: `I2C_SMBUS_WORD_DATA_PEC' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:220: error: `I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_DATA_PEC' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:221: error: `I2C_SMBUS_PROC_CALL_PEC' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:222: error: `I2C_SMBUS_BLOCK_PROC_CALL_PEC' undeclared (first use in this function)
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:247: warning: implicit declaration of function `i2c_delay'
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c: In function `nforce2_probe_smb':
kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.c:325: error: `I2C_HW_SMBUS_NFORCE2' undeclared (first use in this function)
make: *** [kernel/busses/i2c-nforce2.o] Error 1
I then did successfully:
Do (as root) `depmod -a'.

* Verify that /usr/local/lib is listed in /etc/ld.so.conf;
add it if it isn't.

* Do (as root) `ldconfig'.

* Run (as root) `prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh' to create the device files,
unless you already have them or are running devfs.

* Run (as root) `prog/detect/sensors-detect' to detect your hardware,

and then the big failures:
We can start with probing for (PCI) I2C or SMBus adapters.
You do not need any special privileges for this.
Do you want to probe now? (YES/no): y
Probing for PCI bus adapters...
Use driver `rivatv' for device 01:00.0: GeForce2 GTS
Use driver `i2c-sis645' for device 00:02.0: Silicon Integrated Systems SIS5595
Probe succesfully concluded.

We will now try to load each adapter module in turn.
Load `rivatv' (say NO if built into your kernel)? (YES/no): y
modprobe: Can't locate module rivatv
Loading failed... skipping.
** Note: rivatv module is available at http://rivatv.sourceforge.net/
Load `i2c-sis645' (say NO if built into your kernel)? (YES/no): y
modprobe: Can't locate module i2c-sis645
Loading failed... skipping.
If you have undetectable or unsupported adapters, you can have them
scanned by manually loading the modules before running this script.

To continue, we need module `i2c-dev' to be loaded.
If it is built-in into your kernel, you can safely skip this.
i2c-dev is not loaded. Do you want to load it now? (YES/no): y
Module loaded succesfully.

We are now going to do the adapter probings. Some adapters may hang halfway
through; we can't really help that. Also, some chips will be double detected;
we choose the one with the highest confidence value in that case.
If you found that the adapter hung after probing a certain address, you can
specify that address to remain unprobed. That often
includes address 0x69 (clock chip).
Can't exec "i2cdetect": No such file or directory at prog/detect/sensors-detect line 4366, <STDIN> line 4.
Couldn't find i2cdetect program!! at prog/detect/sensors-detect line 4366, <STDIN> line 4.

I have to know when I am licked (though, heck I have become one kernel-compiling maniac :P)

Will now wait patiently for 3.4, new kernel and perhaps a better shot at this thing.

Have kernel...will compile :wink:

04-13-2004, 07:30 AM
Keep trying nishtya. I think I'm in the same boat as Cuddles here...I got it working, but I'm not entirely sure how. I had the same problems you had at first, but eventually got it working. I don't know what to tell you though...have you tried first installing i2c through the source, but then installing lm_sensors through apt-get? You shouldn't have to recompile your kernel to get it going...I didn't read the thread too closely, so perhaps that was for something else. Anyways..you'll get it. :D

04-13-2004, 01:05 PM
pleased to "meet you", Champagne. Thanks for the encouragement though I probably will put it away for now. I have been kernel-compiling because in the lm sensors faqs & readme's they give 3 (sometimes only 2, :lol: ) methods of installing. Two (or 1) of them requires compiling the modules into a new kernel (preferably an unpatched virginal vanilla one :o ) before configuring and installing it. I have seen how it does provide options under i2c & hw sensors in menuconfig that are not there until using running their mkpatch. That was the why to kernel-compiling. Still no lm-sensors, but I have learned a LOT about compiling kernels. Obviously not enough, though, and I will be needing a reinstall of knoppix soon, am having trouble removing all the castaway kernels with dpkg because of the third party modules built into them. My old kernel is still running and working but I feel bloated <burp> :oops:

However...Your idea about is intriguing. hmmmmm.... nope I know when I am licked :wink:

04-13-2004, 02:14 PM

I think I got (about the same, just driver/card name changes) about the same error messages, I think...

I just kept going... I did the compile of i2c, then lm-sensors, then the changes made to init.d, the loading of them, and then the sensors config...

I (also) did a reboot after doing all of this, considering they wanted some of these things loaded, and that I (also) did the "manual" loading of these modules, as well, I wanted to ENSURE that they auto-load on a boot (this is a fall-back attituide from Windows days - you ALWAYS rebooted after installing ANYTHING - I think for two reasons -=- (1) was to ensure that whatever was installed, actually got itself loaded correctly on a boot, and (2) to ENSURE that Windows would even BOOT after installing something (which many times a new installed program would "stomp" all over something else, making boot impossible, and causing me to reach "involuntarily" for my Win98 Emergency Boot Floppy, so I could "find out what went wrong"...

I have become (almost) a Guru in Win98 - having a previous system that would refuse to run Setup.Exe for any program, I got very good at installing from INF files, manually - some of my apprehension in Knoppix, stems from the fact that I have EARNED a "KINGS CROWN" for Windows "tweaking", and I guess, I don't want to give it up -=- sorry, but, as most people, I LIKE to wear my WAR WOUNDS "proudly" on my shoulders :!:

Only thing I can think of Nish is, have you tried reboots at "strategically" placed intervals??? I know, I know, you shouldn't have to reboot in Linux, its a "live" OS, being able to start, stop, and change things "on the fly" - something Windows doesn't do -=- but, this is the only thing I can think of... Maybe, after trying the changes made for i2c, and sensors-detect errors - reboot - and try sensors-detect again - I think I had done it that way...

I know Stephen would "kick me in the rump" for suggesting that you should reboot after inserting something into your kernel - he feels that Knoppix/Linux is "live" and doesn't "require" nor "has to" have a reboot - but my Windows days have always influenced my decisions, and still do, even if I don't have too...

Considering your "errors" in sensors-detect - it appears the i2c-device stuff isn't getting loaded for sensors to find them - I know the docs suggested (for my install) that I "manually" start them, as well as place them where they would be started "automatically" on booting - I am such a stickler on "auto-start" -=- I "always" have to test them first by botting -=- as a side note -=- when you boot, I get a "short" dialog of "i2c" detection at starting up information - but only in the boot screen, not within dmesg output, do you see the same thing when you boot??? I am also not sure, but you gave the output of "i2c" output, did you also do "lm-sensors" compilation as well???

Here is what I did:
compile, make, installing, and add what modifications suggested to any files - for i2c
compile, make, installing, and add what modifications suggested to any files - for lm-sensors
(I am quite sure I then tried sensors-detect - but I think I got the same errors you did)

So, I rebooted, and tried sensors-detect again, after the reboot, and it didn't go without warnings, maybe some errors, but I was able to fire up my sensors program "xsensors", or the "quick start" documentation suggested running, I think it was "sensors" to test the installation out. I then found GKrellm (sp) because it has a better GUI than xsensors.

DON'T GIVE UP NISH - I think you are getting close - Heck, even your output says it FOUND the i2c-dev module -=- I think you know you are getting close too - hence your attituide to keep trying it, I think it may just turn out to be something like: i2c needs to get kicked in the rump twice in the install, before lm-sensors sees it, and then sensors-detect needs to do "something" before it kicks in... (kinda like the secret order of things -=- press X twice, click the mouse once here, twice there, move it to the lower right, then to the upper left, turn around in a room exactly 6 feet by 6 feet, twice, first time in clockwise rotation, then in counter-clockwise rotation, sit down in your chair, stand up, then sit down again, pretend to press the spacebar, but "very quickly" before the OS realizes that you aren't going to press the spacebar, you press the "G" key instead, then wait exactly 31.5 seconds, and stare at the "one" blemish in your ceiling paint for another 2.7 seconds, before running "this" program)

OOOPS, almost forget, and while doing all of the above, "Pray to the Ol' Mighty" that it works - sometimes you just got to have "faith"...

I've been lucky on a few things, with Knoppix, but then again, I have had way too many "war wounds" from Windows - and feel tired from the "battle" - Knoppix has its issues, but, from my years of Windows, not as bad... Don't give up Nish, I think the light is visible at the end of the tunnel :D


04-13-2004, 05:04 PM
well, Cuddles, we aren't exactly the same - you are running 2.4.22 and I am 2.4.24, can't see where it should make that much difference but this lm-sensors seems to be a tricky sonofagun so who knows! During my dozen or so attempts, I have tried the ol' rebooting trick even though I did try to load the modules manually (and get

If I do make another go, (note "IF") I think I may try this on a fresh knoppix install. I have already resigned myself to doing a fresh one, I do feel it's getting a little ripe and I think things like this lm sensors will be easy to keep trying at if I just go with a fresh install, then do nothing to it. Absolutely nothing, not even import my bookmarks so I can just keep pounding away at it. I could get more aggressive at getting it to work if I all have is simple reinstall again after I bork it :) A fresh knoppix install takes only a little longer than kernel compiling which I am starting to tire of (figured I only compiled a dozen or so in the last week :lol: )

Have been holding off because I really have my knoppix setup with my goodies like I want, and I will miss all that while I go banging my head into the night over lm sensors. I do have my best spare puter in pieces for the last few weeks - that would have been great as a test bed. I even have a spare hd with a knoppix install on it. Just haven't had the time to put the spare puter back together since I swapped cases with my main machine. Probably because I have been to busy compiling kernels!!!! :roll:


04-13-2004, 05:31 PM
You can actually run the Kanotix kernel on Knoppix and get the vanilla source from http://kanotix.com/files/kernel/
I didn't have to recompile a kernel to get the lm-sensors to work, and it seems you don't care for another compile :D
My kernel is an older one from Kanotix though I don't see why the recent 2.4.26 wouldn't work.
root@fujibox:~# uname -r
Installing the Kanotix kernel is actually quicker (I think) than compiling on a sluggish computer like my Celeron 1000.
I tried to document some steps I took, and this is about it: (Could have forgotten something)

root@fujibox:~# tar -xvzf i2c-2.8.4.tar.gz
root@fujibox:~# tar -xvzf lm_sensors-2.8.6.tar.gz
root@fujibox:~# cd i2c-2.8.4
root@fujibox:~# make
root@fujibox:~# make install
root@fujibox:~# depmod -a
root@fujibox:~# cd ../lm_sensors-2.8.6
root@fujibox:~# make
root@fujibox:~# make install
root@fujibox:~# depmod -a
root@fujibox:~# cat /etc/ld.so.conf |grep /usr/local/lib (you should see "/usr/local/lib" as the output)
root@fujibox:~# ldconfig
root@fujibox:~# prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh
root@fujibox:~# prog/detect/sensors-detect

Substitute the rest with what you got from sensors-detect:

Add to: /etc/modules.conf:
# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev

Add to: /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh
# I2C adapter drivers
modprobe i2c-i801
modprobe i2c-i810
# I2C chip drivers
# no driver for Asus AS2K129R Mozart-2 yet, ask us for one!
modprobe ddcmon
# sleep 2 # optional
/usr/local/bin/sensors -s

root@fujibox:~# update-modules
root@fujibox:~# shutdown -r now (and now is the time to cross fingers)

apt-get install whatever sensor software you want, ksensors, gkrellm?

04-13-2004, 06:36 PM
Yes, Markus - I am a fan of Kano! Their script got my nvidia working when I was still noober and not up to kernel compiling yet :lol: . But I had trouble back when trying to grab the vanilla kernel with his script, anyhow, got a 404 or a "file not found". When I emailed him about it, he was very clear that the kernel wasn't meant for a knoppix install so I dropped it.

Now, were you running the vanilla kernel when doing the lm sensors install? From reading through the docs they are pretty strongly worded about not compiling against a kernel that you aren't actually running (though at this point I might just try :evil: ) It's something I haven't tried yet. So I have been dutifully compiling the whole shebang again and again to load those modules into the kernel.

Perhaps my best game plan would be to put on a fresh knoppix install on my main machine, get my spare machine together again to use it as a guinea pig for things like this? Different hardware, for sure, but I feel this particular problem stems from something in my configuration or some stupid mistake (bingo, likeliest :idea: ) I am making as opposed to stemming from hardware.

I really do appreciate all the support the folks here are trying to provide. With all the different distros and flavors of kernels it is hard to find the answer without appealing to a large base of people hoping one has a similar combination to myself. Thanks, I know it shouldn't be this hard and the help has been appreciated :D

04-13-2004, 06:53 PM
Meant for Knoppix or not, I'm still running the Kanotix kernel on Knoppix, and have been while I installed lm-sensors.
Just leave your old one in lilo in case something gets borked.
If you look at the script for the vanilla source it installs the source and then patches it automagically with xfs, forcedeth and dm.
OTOH if you're about to do a fresh install why not go with Kanotix?

04-13-2004, 09:40 PM
Markus, when you installed the the kanotix kernel on a knoppix system, how did you configure? Did you start from scratch and do them all yourself in menuconfig or xconfig? Or did you use oldconfig, use the configuration from knoppix install?

I have been basing all but my first two compiles (where I made a bloody mess trying to configure -what 1000 things?, myself). On all the later compiles, I loaded the config.2.4.24-xfs that's from my knoppix into xconfig instead.

I am looking at kanotix page and am thinking maybe just download the iso and go for a fullblown kanotix rather than try menufig from scratch again :shock: It was my least favorite part of kernel compiling, apart from the time it took to actually compile. It's where I (and I guess anyone) is most likely to trip up.

04-13-2004, 09:52 PM
I didn't compile anything, just installed the 2.4.24 with the script.
I've been going at 2.6.3 and starting with oldconfig from the Kanotix kernel, but have still to get my mouse to work with it, so I'll just see how the 3.4 Knoppix works with my mouse and check if there's anything I've missed when configuring mine.

04-14-2004, 01:55 AM
I have a hard install of knoppix 3.3 debian style. I need to keep an eye on my cpu's temperature in linux (I am in linux 90% of the time :D now ). I have installed lm sensors and its dependencies and ran sensor-detect and followed its instructions which are:
To make the sensors modules behave correctly, add these lines to
/etc/modutils/local and run update-modules:

#----cut here----
# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
#----cut here----[/i]

I follow those instructions exactly, I didn't have /etc/modutils/local so made one. But I am consistently getting the error "cant find modules" i2c-isa, sis5595 and it87

In knoppix/debian this

#----cut here----
# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev
#----cut here----

goes to /etc/modules/aliases

Kernel must be patched an then recompilled in order to support lm-sensors. Patches are in lm-sensors home page.
I have not read all the thread, so excuseme if this was already mentioned


04-14-2004, 02:33 AM
Oscar, ty. It really has been encouraging the number of folks coming to my aide. As a matter of fact, during one of my MANY (can I possibly underline Many enough?) attempts at this dreaded lm-sensors thing I did do a search for aliases and stuck it in there.

At first, I went about my whole linux learning curve methodically, documenting, etc. I am now at a point where if I got the darned lm sensors working I wouldn't be able to tell them how I did it :D

Too tired with too many "real life" issues to have a go at anything tonight. My battle plan after making sure everything here is backed up is to hit it with everything I got this weekend. Insert those damned modules anywhere they can possibly go **ouch**. And, in the end, do a fresh install :P Get my good spare puter back into a whole puter again and sacrifice it to the lm-sensors gods until I know what I am doing.

I swear, it all boils down to I haven't a clue what I am doing here. I am missing something very basic and there are linux experts sitting out there and laughing their guts out :lol: and arses off. I will emerge victorious in the end!

(how does that sound for optimism? :oops: )

04-15-2004, 05:54 PM
Well, I wanted to try to see if my suggestion - installing a kernel for which there were compatible, pre-compiled lm-sensor binaries - would work. And the answer is a resounding "no."

The short version: I installed Knoppix 3.3 to my hard drive, and installed kernel 2.4.25-1-k7 with "apt-get." It won't boot (with that kernel). Why? Far as I can tell, it's because the Knoppix init scripts are tied so closely to kernel 2.4.24-xfs.

(Kudos to the author(s) of the installation script! Very slick.)

Now my suggestion becomes: download and install Debian Sid, which it sounds like you are more than capable of doing.

04-15-2004, 07:16 PM
Eco, nice to know I haven't been imagining some of the troubles I have had - something very special about Knoppix :?

My solution last night was to install Kanotix and Kano has a nice script that fetches the headers & source, patching etc so that programs (including lm sensors) will stop complaining when trying to compile. It isn't bad, but it isn't Knoppix :( and I do have the "can't use kppp except as root" problem. Am googling for various things to try. Permissions seem ok, my user self is in the dialout, dip and tty groups. Hope I have a breakthrough on it tonight.

With all my "experience" compiling & installing kernels (at least 2.4.24-xfs repeatedly, ad infinitum, ad nauseum) I too, am very very impressed with Fabian's install script, which Kanotix also uses, literally knoppix-installer. Which is why I am surprised kppp won't work for user after hd-install. I had no such problem with Knoppix at all, maybe a KDE thing, Kanotix is using 3.2 **shrug**

I might have a go sometime at "full" debian. But the dl's will be a problem. I am dialup at home. Have been dling these isos here & there at work but not being in IT anymore my dling is regarded a little suspiciously. I wouldn't dare shoot for 11 or so (by the time I got them all, there would be a new release, well with debian maybe not :wink: ). And going with a base debian and having to install over the dialup at home isn't much more appealing than my latent career in kernel compiling.

04-16-2004, 05:10 AM
My solution last night was to install Kanotix and Kano has a nice script that fetches the headers & source, patching etc so that programs (including lm sensors) will stop complaining when trying to compile. It isn't bad, but it isn't Knoppix :( and I do have the "can't use kppp except as root" problem.

Ah! Does that mean you have lm sensors running?

BTW I'm not sure what you mean by "It(Kanotix) isn't bad, but it isn't Knoppix." It is a modified Knoppix! :shock:

RE:Kppp problem - I don't use kppp (removed it from my system) so I can't help you with it. But if you post your question as a new thread, someone will notice it and help.

Good Luck :-)


04-16-2004, 09:07 AM
Well, maybe you don't want to install Debian. I just downloaded 3 CD's of Debian Sarge (testing) only to find out that its installer isn't all there. (Sid is also that way.) You get past the basics - language and keyboard selection - and then you're summarily dumped to an "ash" shell.

Apparently I was just supposed to know, somehow, to download the (separate) beta installer CD image and use that. D'oh! What other major distro puts out CD images without prominently telling you somewhere (big bold letters, in red, flashing) that the installer doesn't work?

So I installed Woody (stable) and am still trying to upgrade it to testing and get it all working.

So, Knoppix on the hard disk has its pros and cons. The biggest thing against it is that it's difficult to upgrade its "plumbing" (kernel + modules) because all the init scripts are tied to kernel 2.4.24-xfs. The biggest thing for it is its ease of installation.

I might have a go sometime at "full" debian. But the dl's will be a problem. I am dialup at home. Have been dling these isos here & there at work but not being in IT anymore my dling is regarded a little suspiciously. I wouldn't dare shoot for 11 or so (by the time I got them all, there would be a new release, well with debian maybe not icon. And going with a base debian and having to install over the dialup at home isn't much more appealing than my latent career in kernel compiling.

Ugh, upgrading is slow even with a broadband connection. Grabbing and burning CDs is no big deal for me, though, so if you want to pay for postage, I can burn you whatever you want.

04-16-2004, 12:29 PM
Rob, meant nothing disparaging about Kanotix, was more a compliment to Knoppix, which now holds a nostalgic appeal for me that I will never lose. It is a maternal thing, maybe, I dunno :lol: Bringing up all those kernels.

On kanotix I fixed up the kppp problem by removing noauth - starting kppp from terminal I could see I was erroring out and pppd dying because noauth could only be used by root (it worked fine in knoppix, older KDE though). Oddly, now I can use noauth - something in one of Kano's scripts I ran later must have fixed what was originally wasn't right.

ALSA has defeated me here as well. Have the "user volume isn't stored, or is it not restored? after next login" problem. Ready to take alsa on a long walk off a short pier. Worked on that into 2am and it finally let out some smoke-alarm noise that I am sure woke the neighbors - stopped after a reboot and of course I am back to user's master muted again aaaaaaaaargh. Yes, have run Kano's alsa fix script repeatedly but the settings are lost again next login. I hatez alsa and unlike lm-sensors, I don't need it. Was quite adequately served by OSS. Debating whether to try and rip it out or do a new install without it.

Back on topic, lm-sensors, you ask? Nope. i2c was installing quite nicely then ended with error 127, bison missing with a possibly broken pipe. :shock: You don't want to know your bison isn't there at 3am, trust me. I trudged on anyhow through to lm-sensors to see what there might be down the road. And I can actually load the modules this time - modprobe will get them going, they are found and will load. I just need to get bison tonight and maybe I can get the whole shebang in there and working.

Eco, thanks for the CD burning offer. May take you up on it sometime. Or maybe I should try out the man community 10 I have here this weekend. Should check the pkg list and see if it had lm sensors in there. I know the 2.6 kernel does have the newer i2c and only needs lm sensors.

Nish - off to work on 2.5 hrs sleep :cry:

04-16-2004, 08:42 PM
So, Knoppix on the hard disk has its pros and cons. The biggest thing against it is that it's difficult to upgrade its "plumbing" (kernel + modules) because all the init scripts are tied to kernel 2.4.24-xfs. The biggest thing for it is its ease of installation.
I just installed debians kernel-image-2.6.5-1-686 and am running it now. I replaced the sysvinit with the howto here: http://s95018669.onlinehome.us/knoppix/sysvinit.shtml
The current sysvinit on unstable is 2.85-15. Also I had to use initrd for the kernel in lilo.
I'll probably have a go at lm-sensors for it later, had enough for one day :D

04-17-2004, 01:43 AM
I AM SENSORED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry, almost. I apt getted bison, so the i2c and lm sensor installs went without incident for the first time ever :). I have reached a point where it tells me what modules will need to be loaded and to try them out manually. YES, it works when I modprobe the appropiate ones, grellkm sees my sensors (this is an ecs mobo so they are screwed, but they are in MBM in doze too so I know what I am dealing with) however....
where it wants me to load the modules from on every boot, doesn't seem to exist, this is it, I quote
To load everything that is needed, add this to some /etc/rc* file:
# I2C adapter drivers
modprobe i2c-sis645
modprobe i2c-isa
# I2C chip drivers
modprobe eeprom
modprobe sis5595
modprobe it87
# sleep 2 # optional
/usr/local/bin/sensors -s # recommended

"some" /etc/rc* file" aaaaaaaaaargh there is no rc anything FILE under etc. I have several folders such as RC0.d thru RC6.d that contain individual shell scripts and even an RCS.d with scripts. Anybody got any ideas? I am so close I can taste it. I have seen the promised land. Hell, if I had to I could load them manually when I wanted to take a peek, better than booting back to windows or rebooting into even BIOS to see the temps. But I know I am close. Please help.

04-17-2004, 05:33 AM
the place is rcS.d or obsolete but works is to create rc.boot folder and put an script there.
or re-read markus answer with the solution, 2nd page in this thread...
I have same mother brand, same chipset, and i2c-sis645 was not supported with new kernel 2.6 a few weeks ago...but now I will tray again... :lol:

04-17-2004, 05:38 AM
[i]To load everything that is needed, add this to some /etc/rc* file:
# I2C adapter drivers
modprobe i2c-sis645
modprobe i2c-isa
# I2C chip drivers
modprobe eeprom
modprobe sis5595
modprobe it87

Put just the module names in the file /etc/modules each on a line by itself and they will be loaded automatically on boot.

>$ cat /etc/modules
[snip ...]
# Added by me for sensors
# I2C adapter drivers
# I2C chip drivers

# sleep 2 # optional
/usr/local/bin/sensors -s # recommended

Not needed.

"some" /etc/rc* file" aaaaaaaaaargh there is no rc anything FILE under etc. I have several folders such as RC0.d thru RC6.d that contain individual shell scripts and even an RCS.d with scripts. Anybody got any ideas? I am so close I can taste it. I have seen the promised land. Hell, if I had to I could load them manually when I wanted to take a peek, better than booting back to windows or rebooting into even BIOS to see the temps. But I know I am close. Please help.

And you should be putting in either the /etc/modutils/aliases or create the file /etc/modutils/local this line then run update-modules to enter the information in the /etc/modules.conf then reboot.

>$ cat /etc/modutils/local
# Added by me for sensors
# I2C module options
alias char-major-89 i2c-dev

Those instructions just like almost all others you find are written for a Redhat type system.

04-17-2004, 02:16 PM
Thanks a bunch, Stephen. Unless instructions say "On redhat...." or it was from an rpm, I assume they are pretty generic where linux is concerned. I am going to try this out right now :D

BTW, the sleep reference, under what conditions would that be needed?

04-17-2004, 09:11 PM
Thanks a bunch, Stephen. Unless instructions say "On redhat...." or it was from an rpm, I assume they are pretty generic where linux is concerned. I am going to try this out right now :D

BTW, the sleep reference, under what conditions would that be needed?

You can pretty much assume when they are talking even in generic terms most times they are talking Redhat/rpm based distro unless they are talking about using a command. The sensors -s reference AFAICT is never needed it has worked here for months without it.