View Full Version : .xsession-errors filled ALL my free space!

04-05-2004, 05:17 PM
In my /home directory I found a file called .xsession-errors which had filled all of my free space up! - your talking GB! I deleted it and it's slowly filling again. I can only assume that it's been filling for months. At the moment, the most common entry is:-

kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KActionCollection::KActionCollection( QObject *parent, const char *name, KInstance *instance )

But there are others.....

Should I be particularly worried about this? - is it normal to have 'random' errors appear in this file?

Not only this, but I've started to take notice of the amount of disk space I have available and I'm convinced I've lost a load. Maybe I have a problem HD? I think I might boot from the live CD and run 'fsck'....

Bad day!


04-07-2004, 12:53 AM
You shouldn't worry. I delete that file all the time. Mine fills up when KDE crashes. And still everything works file so delete away...