View Full Version : Why does it have to be so damn tough???

04-07-2004, 11:33 AM
This is the thing with Linux. I am a PC user tempted by a recent magazine article to try out Linux on my desktop.

Knoppix seemed to be a good "non commital" bet so I came here.

Only to find that I have to jump through hoop after hoop to get it.

The download link takes you to a page full of files and there is no indication which ones I need or why.

Why no distribution package? I just want to download a single obvious file and extract it when it gets here.

And why does it seem that the latest version is not here? This is the Knoppix project home right?

I will persevere & maybe I'll manage to get this thing onto a CD (though the FAQ stuff suggests a few more hurdles ahead).

But all through this process I am wondering why oh why are there so many barriers in the way?


04-07-2004, 01:16 PM
This is the thing with Linux. I am a PC user tempted by a recent magazine article to try out Linux on my desktop.

Knoppix seemed to be a good "non commital" bet so I came here.

Only to find that I have to jump through hoop after hoop to get it.

The download link takes you to a page full of files and there is no indication which ones I need or why.

Read it again. Pay particular attention to this (http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/FaqDownloading)

Why no distribution package? I just want to download a single obvious file and extract it when it gets here.

Ummm better read the downloading FAQ again.

I will persevere & maybe I'll manage to get this thing onto a CD (though the FAQ stuff suggests a few more hurdles ahead).

Hurdles? I fail to see the difficulty in this. You download an image, burn it, boot it, done! We even added docsumentation for how to burn an .iso under windows.

04-07-2004, 02:22 PM
You can always get a CD from linuxcd.org for a couple of dollars :-)

04-07-2004, 04:36 PM

Knoppix is an OS, more so, it is not only a fully-installable OS, but also an OS that can run from the CD, boot, et all...

If you were thinking that this was just another "program" install in Windows, or that you just fire up Internet Explorer, download it, and run it, I think you were incorrect in your assumptions...

Yes, hurdles, loops, hoops, etc... But, you just can't download and run a OS, not even "Windows" can do that. Worse yet, Windows can't even run on a CD (alone), or not touch your existing hard drives, or any previous OS on your system that you are currently running... Knoppix can, and does, to all of those, and, it can be installed from that same CD as a full-blown OS install...

So, from what I know...

Download the .ISO file, onto your hard drive, use a program to burn the "image" file to a CD-ROM, and then take that same CD-ROM, place it into a "bootable" CD drive, set your BIOS to boot from CD-ROM drives, and POOF - instant Knoppix/Linux/Debian/GNU OS...

Hope this helps,

04-09-2004, 02:33 AM
I'm also 99% new to linux/unix so I can sympathise....but I thought downloading the ISO was the easy bit! :lol: Anyway it's all interesting and educational. I installed Knoppix to the HDD of an ancient 75MHz Pentium yesterday just to see if I could and if it would be functional(it is but it's very slow as expected...have to learn to run in text mode..gulp) and today I'm playing with Knoppix in the more usual way on my real PC with plenty of RAM and a good CPU.

Here is one piece of advice that will help a lot of people running Windows who have trouble burning the CD (All the best walkthroughs for this seem to be aimed at people already running linux/unix and much of the advice for Windows users is written in the style of someone who isn't all that familiar with using Windows applications...). Just ignore all the advice to use Nero, Roxio etc etc. You can use them to burn ISOs in the same way you can also hammer nails in with your shoe or open beer bottles with your teeth. Use Alcohol,any version. You can download a free working demo. This wonderful application will treat the rar archive as an ISO, you don't even need to unzip it. Just start Alcohol, select the image burning wizard, use the browse button to point it at Knoppix rar file and watch it produce a perfect bootable CD.

04-09-2004, 05:14 AM
M1, first of all, don't panic! It's not as hard as all that. The specific file you should download (assuming you want it in english) is KNOPPIX_V3.3-2004-02-16-EN.iso and its associated .md5 file (for verification of a non-corrupted download). If you actually use BitTorrent or one of its clones you get the .md5 file automatically, else pull it down as well. Use the .md5 checking tool from http://www.toast442.org/ to verify you've got a good .iso image. Then using the burning proggie of your choice copy the image (not the file itself) to a 700MB (or greater if it's all you can get) CD-R or CD-RW. If you're reasonably skilled in Windows at all it's painless, I assure you. Hell, I'm blonde and I did it :lol:


04-09-2004, 09:57 AM
ripper, try using the icewm window manager.
it is leaner by far than the KDE default, we are talking DIFERENCE here.
i have a p1@100Mhz and it works ok with icewm (ok no flier but acceptable).
the comandline IS a hurdle, but once you have basics you could do virtually anything in console (konsole, aterm, eterm, xterm... are just a way to use bash in X).

04-09-2004, 09:02 PM
ripper, try using the icewm window manager.
it is leaner by far than the KDE default, we are talking DIFERENCE here.
i have a p1@100Mhz and it works ok with icewm (ok no flier but acceptable).
the comandline IS a hurdle, but once you have basics you could do virtually anything in console (konsole, aterm, eterm, xterm... are just a way to use bash in X).

I agree with OErjan about IceWM; I got it to run nicely on a P133 machine. KDE is HUNGRY for resources :!: Just so you know, if you press F2 at the "boot:" prompt you can see, on the second line "knoppix desktop=icewm" (and some others). Use that sans quotes and you'll boot to an IceWM desktop.


04-11-2004, 03:40 AM
Listen up M1. Lets talk about Linux snobs. They have such increadibly large egos because they can operate a non-windows operating system. They love themselves so much and they will do everything they can to keep someone else from finding out their secret because for every person that can run linux, thats one less person that they think they are better than. Thats one less person to feed their oversized ego. I know this because I have spent the last week trying to figure out how to dual boot knoppix with win2k or update a wireless nic driver from a livecd but nobody wants to help. They say "uh...read the documentation. I did" To hell with you all if youre not willing to help someone. I hope someone comes up with an openBLASTER WORM!

04-11-2004, 04:40 AM
Listen up M1. Lets talk about Linux snobs. They have such increadibly large egos because they can operate a non-windows operating system. They love themselves so much and they will do everything they can to keep someone else from finding out their secret because for every person that can run linux, thats one less person that they think they are better than. Thats one less person to feed their oversized ego. I know this because I have spent the last week trying to figure out how to dual boot knoppix with win2k or update a wireless nic driver from a livecd but nobody wants to help. They say "uh...read the documentation. I did" To hell with you all if youre not willing to help someone. I hope someone comes up with an openBLASTER WORM!

This is an open community and not a for profit support service. If it is pretty simple and short, people are in general willing to help right away but it is long and in some case just repeated typing of the same thing as before, referring to the documentation /FAQ is quite natural(would you be doing the same if you have been asked the same question again and again?).

Where is your original question about the problem ? I happen to know a little bit about dual booting(because of my need with a XP installation) as well as wireless nic(that is my only network on my notebook) and see if I can help. But don't expect a detailed tutorial type answer as I am lazy in typing(not that we don't want to help, just usually don't have the time to give detail instructions, it is not able ego).

04-11-2004, 12:46 PM

I agree with garyng, I elect NOT to help some people, not because I don't want to, but because I don't have the knowledge to help them...

In your case, I don't have Win2K, I used to have Win98 - so I couldn't help you with your FIRST issue... I don't have a wireless network card either, so I couldn't really help you with your second issue either... So, unless you like to get responses that DON'T help you, or are knowledgable to solve your issues, then maybe I could have suggested a "common" Windows response for you....

Have you installed Knoppix to your hard drive? Then you should... And if you installed it already to your hard drive, then re-install it -=- this is the "COMMON" response for Microsoft and any OS they have, and support....

As one last point, if you did post a question of these two before, where is it? Which forum was it placed in? And lastly, I noted that your nic and status as well: This is your FIRST posting on this nickname...

This forum, and web site is supported by volunteers, not "paid" employees of Microsoft, or like Microsoft, don't expect to be "on hold" for support for more than four hours on a new released OS, like it is in Windows, if you need support on a "paid" bases, I am quite sure "google" has some company ads that are willing to assist you for a price, but, you will get "devoted" "non-ego" support then... (ego maniacs are not just Linux only, we don't have the market on them, in fact, I am quite sure that M$ has a lot more then Linux)

Thank you not to flame, when your bases behind your flame is not to get a resolve, but to flame...