View Full Version : Trouble dialing in to AOL with kppp.

04-08-2004, 02:51 AM
Hi i was wondering if anyone could help me.
I put in all my details in kppp like user, pw and DNS
then it dials fine and when its saying "logging on network"
it says deamon died unexpectedly exit status "16"
i think it could be something to do with DNS i entered but im not sure and ive tryed serveral DNS's and none of them work and i keep getting the same error help me please so i can get on the net with knoppix!

04-08-2004, 06:05 AM
I don't think you can use a normal dialer to connect to aol. I used to use a program called pengAOL or peng that connected to AOL just like a regular dialer. I don't know what it's status is these days, but you could try checking that out.
(that's an old site, I think)