View Full Version : How to partion?? plz help!

04-08-2004, 05:22 PM
Hi i am running Windows XP pro.
I have knoppix 3.3 on a disk and want to partion my HD and install knoppix on it aswell so i have XP n knoppix on the same comp.
I have a dell latitude CPx laptop with no floppy drives no Cd-r just a normal cd drive.
Do i need to back up windows to partion my HD and get knoppix on it ?
And if i do need to how can i from lack of disk drives?
Or can i back it up on my HD?
Also what commands to partion my HD!!

04-08-2004, 05:53 PM
Well, fisrt of all, you need to backup your personal data before to try to partition. Your data must be your personal files, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, etc. In this artiucle you could find a very detailed guide about backing up your files:


Second, be sure to have a rescue CD, so, you can fix your XP installation if your partition broke something.

With this tools, yo0re on your way. If you onlky want to partition, launch a terminal window and type "sudo qtparted". This launchs a window where you can partition your local drives.

If you want to install knoppix then, you can read the following articles:


04-08-2004, 06:03 PM
After you use the partion command in knoppix
do u use the knoppix install command?

04-08-2004, 07:02 PM
There are two types of knoppix installation:


(I'm not sure :), check in the links please)

The 1st step in both procedures is partition the disk. The deprecated method (i'm not sure wich one) uses a partition program text based, really old. The other uses "qtparted"