View Full Version : can't boot frm knoppix live cd...

04-10-2004, 10:43 AM
recently, i downloaded the knoppix 3.3
i using p4 1.4, 256ddr, 24x cd-rom and windows xp

i cannot boot from knoppix... even through i set the cd-rom boot first.
the cd-rom was processing for a minute, it seem like something was working behind, but after for a while, it auomatically load the windows xp just like normal!!!

what went wrong? why i can't boot from the knoppix live cd?

thx a lot...~

04-10-2004, 06:57 PM
You might have a bad burn on your cd.
Check the md5sum of the iso, if you need the software for it you can download it here: http://www.linuxiso.org/viewdoc.php/verifyiso.html
Also you could try burning at slower speed, say max 4x.

04-12-2004, 09:11 AM
no, i checked it integrity, it matched! no problem with the md5...
and i've tried in other computerm it somehow working...

so, wat was the problem? is tat a bug on it or wat?


04-12-2004, 02:23 PM
Hey ..May be u can try booting it from Hard Disk where u can follow the procedure at

Thank You

04-12-2004, 02:46 PM
no, i checked it integrity, it matched! no problem with the md5...
and i've tried in other computerm it somehow working...

so, wat was the problem? is tat a bug on it or wat?


The fact that the disc works on anther computer doesn't neccessarily mean anything. Boot with knoppix testcd and see what it says. It certainly does sound as tho the cdrom drive doesn't recognize it as a bootable disc. Also if you have a floppy it might be worth using smart boot manager or a Knoppix boot floppy and see if it will work that way.

04-12-2004, 03:12 PM
wat did u means by knoppix testcd? i'm a newbie~

so, wat u means is, i boot the knoppix cd from floppy by the smart boot manager?


04-12-2004, 05:10 PM
When you boot knoppix you get a prompt at the bottom of the splash screen saying "boot:"
There you can type in "knoppix testcd" without the ".
Could be a lot of things why it doesn't work on one computer and works on another. Is the cd-drive ok with a clean lens? That is, can you use other bootable cd:s in it? If you have another computer where you tested the cd, can you swap over the cd-drive between them?