View Full Version : newbie question login prompt

02-26-2003, 03:55 PM
HI all this is my first post so please be gentle

I am using modelk (very bare bones knoppix with no X server)

when it boots up from the CD I am already in as root

logout seems to have no effect

how can I set it up so once knoppix/modelk is up it sends me back to a login prompt
I don't want an open root shell on my machine

any help would be great

hololi :shock:

David Douthitt
02-26-2003, 04:34 PM
HI all this is my first post so please be gentle

I am using modelk (very bare bones knoppix with no X server)

when it boots up from the CD I am already in as root

logout seems to have no effect

how can I set it up so once knoppix/modelk is up it sends me back to a login prompt

Some systems are that way; perhaps ModelK is as well. Trinux operates in this way.

To change it, you'd have to modify the /etc/inittab to set up getty (agetty, mingetty, whatever) on that virtual console instead of bash - which may be what you have.

Do a 'man inittab' and a 'man telinit' and read up on them; that will help. Remember to do a 'telinit q' after changing the inittab - and make SURE you have backups and another way in (telnet, ssh) in case the consoles get hosed.

02-27-2003, 03:59 PM
thanks david ...
altered /etc/inittab to use mingetty and worked like a champ
