View Full Version : Help Installing Noatun

02-26-2003, 09:04 PM
Knoppix is allready installed on my harddrive. I downloaded the kdemultimedia source. Now I want to know how to install everything, especially the Noatun media player.

I'm an absolute n00b, so please explain in extreme detail.

02-26-2003, 09:29 PM
Knoppix is allready installed on my harddrive. I downloaded the kdemultimedia source. Now I want to know how to install everything, especially the Noatun media player.

I'm an absolute n00b, so please explain in extreme detail.

Did you try using apt-get to install it? To do this, you should log in as root and start a Konsole. Then type:

apt-get install kdemultimedia
This will download and install the package for you.

I'm not sure if it adds an icon to the menu by default, though. If it doesn't just post here and I'll help with that.