View Full Version : Thanks & a question about asking for help

04-17-2004, 03:35 PM
First want to thank everyone here on the boards that helped me with my lm-sensors battle. I have finally gotten it working (on Kanotix) and I don't think I would have kept going with it if it wasn't for the support and encouragement from you.

Now, since my "main" linux is Kanotix, is it still appropriate to pose a question regarding a Knoppix derivative? My experience in usenet taught me to lurk lurk lurk (as I did here in the beginning) and be darned sure I am on-topic.

Since Kanotix is derived from Knoppix, I am sure there are many common problem solutions.

I still have Knoppix 3.3 on another partition and boot it from a floppy to compare configurations when trying to solve problems in my Kanotix install. I am also trying to figure out how to do for Knoppix, the installing of kernel source that Kano does on Kanotix with a script - it worked great and I now have source when compiling programs that whine and refuse to compile on Knoppix or the custom kernels there I installed and ran (i.e. the infamous lm-sensors!) When knoppix 3.4 comes out, I will probably flipflop back again :lol:

Durand Hicks
04-19-2004, 07:27 PM
You needn't be concerned with using the sources from kanotix. You can get the sources from debian. Also, you may want to apt-get install kernel-patch-2.4-lmsensors and patch your kernel-source using that and then compile lm-sensors into the kernel instead of as a module. Either way, it's part of the kernel once patched into the kernel source and should give you far less problems. FYI, Klaus uses the kernel source from www.kernel.org and patches it with the xfs patch (also can apt-get from debian) and his personal patch which is in /usr/src. That will give you the exact kernel source that was compiled by Klaus. Just add the lm-sensors patch and you'll enjoy knoppix a lot more. Btw, I'm also compiling new kernels myself, (adding cpufreq, thinkpad, supermount and various performance patches), but the first three patches are what I really want/need/am using for my laptop.

04-21-2004, 04:40 PM

First, glad to hear you got it going :D

Second, I don't think posting here is "going to get you in trouble", if you feel that it is your distribution isn't appropriate here, I think it might come down to something else though....


If you are running something "completely" foreign to Knoppix, say RedHat, you might not get as many, or as good, answers as to posting into a group "specificly" for the distribution. I think people here are a LOT more open to questions and issues, than say, in Debian Group, and most of the people here, will almost "bend over backwards" to help someone out.

You may be able to liken this group to the same thing you found out in lm-sensors documentation, it was written for RedHat installations, and some things don't "translate" right when you use them against Knoppix/Debian installs. This group/board helps almost all of the problems/issues (a lot more than others) on any Linux/GNU post questions - i've seen RedHat, Debian, and even Mandrake install questions being answered here - some people either "know" of the distribution, or have had it installed, or are running concurrent installs, so they can provide answers to a varied Linux base of questions.

I'm glad you got your answers to lm-sensors, and that it didn't "require" you to run off onto another distribution, just to get that working...

Hopefully, nothing else, considering what you went through to get that going, will be an issue in the future, for you - you've done a lot more than I have done - sheesh, kernel compiling, not something I want to be doing, but, I guess it can only help someone out in the future, having this knowledge. [?]

Good luck on your future usage, and hope to see you posting, in the future,

04-23-2004, 12:48 AM
hiya Cuddles. Yes, the battle with lm-sensors is over and not a moment too soon, been having bouts of heat here. I love amd for value and speed, but goodness they're hot. The XPs at least. I have a four fan box now and still hard to keep cool. I used to have a fantastic heatseak for it that did do the trick but it was real chip crusher and the last time I had to remove it, couldn't get it back on. Am using a nice copper taisol now but nowhere near the cooling I had with the chip crusher.

[/quote]I'm glad you got your answers to lm-sensors, and that it didn't "require" you to run off onto another distribution, just to get that working...
well, I did have to run to Kanotix - close cousin? :roll:

With kanotix I have been having my battles with alsa, where have you been? You would've have this straightened out in minutes I am sure :D

Anyhow, still looking forward to new knoppix. Not really sure if I am looking forward to KDE 3.2, have it here on kanotix and it is sooooo unstable. Realize that is the name of the game, so to speak but as long as I don't have to do any more kernel compiling for a long, long time will be happy :wink:

04-23-2004, 12:50 AM
:oops: pardon the messed up quoting above. Been a long day...should've previewed before submitting.