View Full Version : Qt 3.0.2 install

04-18-2004, 05:37 PM
How do I install Qt 3.0.2 so I can install Guarddog? I tried searching the Debian packages site but whatever I apt-get install doesn't work :cry:

04-18-2004, 09:17 PM
How do I install Qt 3.0.2 so I can install Guarddog? I tried searching the Debian packages site but whatever I apt-get install doesn't work :cry:

Can we see the output of apt-get -s install guarddog?

04-18-2004, 09:29 PM
Rebooting probably fixed the problem because Guarddog works now. It works too well because I can't connect to anything! I've tried Guarddog before with same result, then I tried Firestarter with positive results.
What am I doing wrong in Guarddog?
I'm connected to the Internet via. a switch and my IP is given by my ISP by DHCP.

04-18-2004, 10:13 PM
Rebooting probably fixed the problem because Guarddog works now. It works too well because I can't connect to anything! I've tried Guarddog before with same result, then I tried Firestarter with positive results.
What am I doing wrong in Guarddog?
I'm connected to the Internet via. a switch and my IP is given by my ISP by DHCP.

In the manual page (http://www.simonzone.com/software/guarddog/#manual) near the bottom I see an option in the Advanced tab to allow DHCP on an interface. So have you went to that option and selected it?

04-19-2004, 07:58 AM
DHCP is enabled. Do I have to type in what ports I wish to use?

04-19-2004, 09:32 PM
DHCP is enabled. Do I have to type in what ports I wish to use?

Well thats a good question and one I really do not know the answer too. If it does need you to open or forward the port I believe it is 67 or 68 that you need, I would try forwarding the port to the localhost first instead of opening it to everyone. And to be certain here it is the allow DHCP on interface not the allow server port that you have selected right? Now that I look at the screen shots again I see that it requires you to allow protocols from the internet to the local zone in the Protocol tab so you may want to check to see if the setting is in there somewhere.

04-20-2004, 02:34 AM
Guarddog sucks in the mom+pop way. I have no desire to (VERY) manually configure my firewall.
I'll go back to Firestarter (http://firestarter.sourceforge.net). In that application all I have to do is block port 67 and 68 to get a perfect TruStealth score on http://grc.com.
I have no idea as to why people think Guarddog rules.
Firestarter is incidentally a native Gnome apllication. Maybe I should test Gnoppix :roll: