View Full Version : Removing X11

04-18-2004, 10:57 PM
I'm trying to build a small, custom version of Knoppix to use as a tool in system installation, maintenance and recovery. Since I don't need or particularly want a GUI interface and I do want the system to be very small, I'd like to get rid of X11. So far, my attempts haven't gone well, the uninstall scripts for a bunch of the X based packages seem to have problems.


Also, I would prefer to base this on Knoppix, which is considered the "canonical" Linux LiveCD than on a derivative of Knoppix.

-- Matt

04-19-2004, 12:44 AM
I'm trying to build a small, custom version of Knoppix to use as a tool in system installation, maintenance and recovery. Since I don't need or particularly want a GUI interface and I do want the system to be very small, I'd like to get rid of X11. So far, my attempts haven't gone well, the uninstall scripts for a bunch of the X based packages seem to have problems.


Also, I would prefer to base this on Knoppix, which is considered the "canonical" Linux LiveCD than on a derivative of Knoppix.

-- Matt
I'm doing the same thing, but I haven't started yet (so don't have any direct experiences to report). However, it seems like the first thing you should do is try to remove everything related to KDE. A good starting point would be to remove almost every package whose name starts with "k" (but not every one, so be careful). Were you able to get that far?

04-19-2004, 01:36 AM
No, one of the Knoppix specific KDE packages tries to take a bunch of important system packages with it. So, I've been messing around trying to remove xserver*. It got ugly. That's why I'm looking for help.

Another thought is to build from scratch. Are there any good detailed instructions or HOWTOs on mastering Knoppix from scratch as opposed to remastering?