View Full Version : saving config to hard drive and boot disk problem

04-21-2004, 01:41 PM
I have moved my Knoppix folder to my C drive (Fat32) and I have made a boot floppy. I set up Knoppix the way I like it, background, printer, icons...etc and then I saved my configuration to my /dev/hda1 drive. I added the following text just after APPEND below DEFAULT vmlinzu to syslinux.cfg:

myconfig=scan home=scan

I rebooted and it worked but I forgot to set some things up so I made the changes and then tried to save my config to /dev/hda1 but I got an error that it could not do so. I rebooted again and now I was back to the default settings. I tried making all my changes again and then saving, now I get the window that makes it look like it is saving but it just stays at 0% and the disappears. I try rebooting, default settings again. I also tried deleting the knoppix.sh and configs.tbz from windows and tried again...no luck...what gives? I even tried using the cheat codes at the boot screen and that did not work. I also tried adding myconfig=/dev/hda1 to the

Also if I change the setting on read/write so I can write to hda1 why can't I delete knoppix.sh and configs.tbz in Knoppix, are they being used? What would be the best way to delete them in Knoppix?

Do I need to create a persistent home?

This has happened to me with 3.2 and 3.3 I would appreciate any assistance given.

04-21-2004, 04:17 PM
Not sure about your reasons/resolves on the saving configs on the drive, I think, even if you are user "knoppix" the save functions use root to write and read, so permissions shouldn't be the issue... hmmmmmmm...

I think the reason why you can't delete the files in Knoppix, is permissions though - the user knoppix is not root, and permissions for those files, I think, are root owner and root group, with read access only for group Other - which is what the user knoppix is - other.

What I would try...

Run a shell console, do a su, mount the hda1 device, go to the mount point for the device, locate the knoppix and configs files, and do a rm of them, as root. If that fails, I'm clueless.

When I first started out, I did the knoppix and configs, and after a few weeks, started doing the persistant home thing - I never had problems with any of these three things having write, or read, problems - I did find out that if you let Windows (any version) run defrag on the drive, my persistant home, and swap, (files) got all messed up, and Knoppix would report during booting, they were corrupt - so heed that warning. But, never, other than defrag problems, had problems using the save config, save knoppix, persistant home, or persistant swap setup. ( I did all of these with Knoppix v3.2 -=- I then hard drive installed v3.3 - so I am not sure of those "save" features in that version )

Hope this helps, Eradicator,

04-21-2004, 05:29 PM
Thanks, I deleted the files and created them again.

I just watched the PC boot up and I saw that it found the knoppix.sh file and then it stated it was extracting the configs.tbz file but when it finished booting I was in the default settings!!!

It also seems that my configs file is very very small, 46 B bites if I check off all the boxes when I save my config? That seems to small to me for all the settings.

What gives?

Thanks for your reply BTW.


Update, I tried saving my configs on the boot floppy, it created the 2 files and I added floppyconfig to the syslinux file but it still did not work...what am I doing wrong???