View Full Version : is it safe to delete user knoppix?

04-21-2004, 07:04 PM
i want to add another name by doing adduser
Is it safe to delete the default username?


04-21-2004, 09:13 PM
I guess.

Though it won't work if your still on Live Cd (but thats a duh thing.)

04-22-2004, 04:17 AM
I assume you have a hard drive install, possibly a Knoppix type install(a Debian install would not create a knoppix user). I would create a new user before deleating knoppix user. Compare them to see whats different. To be honest,I dont know what will happen if you delete knoppix user...back-up anything important.

04-22-2004, 04:18 AM
I assume you have a hard drive install, possibly a Knoppix type install(a Debian install would not create a knoppix user). I would create a new user before deleating knoppix user. Compare them to see whats different. To be honest,I dont know what will happen if you delete knoppix user...back-up anything important.

04-22-2004, 06:54 AM
If you are an expert, it can be done - see previous corespondence. If you are a neophyte, you are likely to experience terminal (not console) problems requiring a re-install.