View Full Version : hi, i need help connecting to the web.

04-21-2004, 08:11 PM
anybody mind to tell me how do i connect to web. more specif how do i set up a wireless connection. thanks.

04-22-2004, 07:21 PM
we need to know what card you have, what computer.
basicly there is a setup under the k>knoppix>net... look around, it MIGHT be some tinkering if you have a card with some peculiar setup...

04-23-2004, 08:40 PM
Firstly i have Knoppix 3.3 from a pc maginze, and i just ran it at start up, it loads great, but i here is the problem.
I am not a mastermind.
I am lkiving in uk
my isp is bt internet and i have adsl.
i have a voyager 100 modem linked via usb to my pc.
XP pro
512mb ram
nvidia geforce 4 mx 440 agp

I looked around for trying to configure an account, but i couldnt do it.
Now how do get onto the internet?
I have tried this software before but gave up, because if you are unable to connect to the net, it is useless.

Secondly is it possible if this works to install linux and us pc software on it? i am new to linux, please help me asap.

04-23-2004, 09:44 PM
i am currently writing from an installed linux system.
pc softaware? i assume you mean stuff for windows. yes some will work with wine, winex (api implementations), crossover office...
to be honest there is not much i miss from Windows (games an exeption) you have browsers, office, mail, ftp, cd/dvd burning, multimedia...

Do you have one of those green usb-modems? the name escapes me, they are not easy to get going (some fiddling), but far from impossible.
if you give me the name i might find the article again.