View Full Version : rpm manager

04-21-2004, 08:14 PM
hello everyone,
im just wondering what the rmp manager is that comes on knoppix, granted its not much use on a boot cd, but i really liked it over what i am using now (whatever the heck it is that fedora ships with). is it possible to use such a program on fedora? (knoppix is debain based yes?)
where might one download it?

(im mostly looking for the differences in the GUI (i tryed synaptic but didnt take liking to that much))

plz n thx 4 ne help

04-21-2004, 08:55 PM
Hello, I suppose you mean 'kpackage', a KDE package admin tool
which understands debian archives, RPM as well as a bunch od other
formats. I don't have experience with Fedora and cannot tell if it is part
of their KDE setup.