View Full Version : config question

04-22-2004, 09:58 AM
Ok hope I dont clone another post...
Recently my MOBO(Tbird) went to the trash, now my backup MOBO(darn PII) wont reconize my newer HD. With a lil less ram than a a toram command will allow, and no HD it makes it frustrating to reboot the PC (other half dont like to leave the thing on 24-7). I have figured out how to use the bootcommand knoppix myconfig=/mnt/auto/floppy, but all my config/appearance changes arent apparent on the reload, it goes back to the default KDE. Now I got the background.. on to the question...
Does the KDE default every boot or do i need to make a CDRW of the persitant home (read in another part of posts how to do)? I just would like to have the look and feel, bookmarks saved and the usual stuff, and if possible have it load with the Knoppix on boot or somewere along the line. By golly if there is link to read, I sure will :shock: Everything works like a charm, but this one ittybitty issue, except having no HD to do Disk install of knoppix.

[If it's not broke, fix it]

04-26-2004, 01:32 AM
I have the same question... what I find funny is that you cant technically call anything from /mnt/ because the automount function on the floppy hasnt started in the bootloader yet. So... i think to myself, maybe it would work with /dev/fd0/ or something along those lines. But then again, in my opinion ... there 'should' be a way of loading extra configuration settings after the initial bootloader and not 'with' it... so i dont know if you could use that same floppy and set the config afterwards and then startx. But I concur; per-user settings on user knoppix or root do not get saved and recalled if I do a /mnt/floppy or the "scan" option.