View Full Version : Knoppix+Inspiron 8500=not quite right...

04-24-2004, 08:02 AM
I've given my friend a copy of Knoppix 3.3 to use as he sees fit. Neither of us are up to speed on linux. The problem is we've tried the recommended cheatcodes and had little success. We're not able to get the display on his laptop up to 1920x1200. The video card on board is a GeForce4 4200. We've tried differing combinations of vsync, screen and fb**** allowing a decent display of 1600x1200 but dammit, we're greedy...we want it all :!:

Also, Knoppix doesn't recognize the PCMCIA wireless NIC. It's a Netgear MA521. We get the beep of recognition for the controller, just no network :(

Lastly, it's a bit niggling but it's annoying nonetheless. When we shut down the system the display goes to complete crapola. Not a big deal, I know what it's doing and dont care too much about what it's doing at that point. But still...

Anyway, what help is offered is appreciated.


04-29-2004, 10:34 PM
Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?