View Full Version : knoppix is in german :(

03-01-2003, 06:20 AM
I am very new to linux systems, and wanted to try it out, so some1 told me about knoppix. very nicee. I am running it at the minute, but it is in german for some reason. how can i change it to english? everything is in german, the start menu, help files, etc, all of it. how do i change it to english?

Also, where should i go from here? i would like to run linux of some kind on this computer, so what should i get? i have downloaded debian and tried installing it, but it is very hard and i dont understand what i am doing. so which permanent linux should i use? hopefully something like knoppix! thanks!

03-01-2003, 07:27 AM
Are you running Knoppix from the CD or did you do a hard drive install? If you're running it from the CD and everything is in German you must have downloaded the German iso. You can try and change the language options at boot: 'knoppix lang=us' for US english. I don't now how well this works because I have always downloaded the English iso, but it should work fine. If you did a hard drive instalation of Knoppix try running kpersonalizer from the command line.

As far as version of linux to install on your hard drive...if you are having trouble installing Debian, then install it via the Knoppix CD.

03-01-2003, 12:02 PM
If I do a hd install of knoppix would it work just like a normal operating system, rather than unload itself when I switched it off?

also, how do I install debian from the knoppix cd?

03-01-2003, 07:32 PM
If I do a hd install of knoppix would it work just like a normal operating system, rather than unload itself when I switched it off?

Yes. It will save your settings onto the hard drive. Somethings are a little different on a HD install so you may want to take a look at some of the posts in hte HD install forum first.

If you are installing onto a drive with Windows, make sure that you know how to partition with a tool like parted or a commercial app like Partition Magic. If you don't have your drive partitioned properly before you install, you can very easily destroy the data on your windows partition. There is a tool for partitioning that pops up when you run the knoppix install script (cfdisk) but it won't preserve the data on a windows partition when it is resized. Frankly, I recommend either dedicating the drive to Knoppix or getting a second hard drive. Also bear in mind that unless you use a tool like partition Magic you won't be able to resize NTFS partitions. Whatever you choose to do, backup your important data first.

also, how do I install debian from the knoppix cd?

Type: 'sudo knx-hdinstall'

03-01-2003, 08:59 PM
After doing many knoppix hd installs the biggest problem I've had is forgetting a necessary boot option (cheat code) and then ending up with a system that needs a bunch of manual fixing. OK for someone familiar with linux, but a problem for some one new. Also make sure that all hardware is operating from your cd session, ie: sound, internet, etc. before you do the hd install.



03-05-2003, 03:14 PM
I am very new to linux systems, and wanted to try it out, so some1 told me about knoppix. very nicee. I am running it at the minute, but it is in german for some reason. how can i change it to english? everything is in german, the start menu, help files, etc, all of it. how do i change it to english?

Did you download the iso image with an EN at the end? If you didn't, you downloaded the German version. Download the EN version and it is in English by default.

Good luck
