View Full Version : File Saving when logged as normal user ...

05-01-2004, 09:34 AM
Hi there ,

When I login as root knoppix allows me to save file after I enable the read write access from the properties

But when I am logged as normal user it does not allow me to save files using konqueror no matter what I do. I have to use root shell all the time when I am logged on as normal user . I have write command mount -o rw /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 and then make directories through mkdir

Is there a way that I can make directories manually in konqueror browser .

05-01-2004, 03:18 PM
I think the problem is coming from two thoughts, one is your mount of the hard drive, which looks good, the second, is individual permissions on the drive itself...

(1) to make a directory in Konq - right click, on the right pane, in an area that doesn't contain an icon already - from the pop-up menu - select Create New, and then Directory - you should get a pop-up window asking what the directory will be called.

(2) permissions... Root can do almost ANYTHING, whereas, "normal" users have limited permissions. If I am correct, when Root creates a directory, or file for that matter, it creates it with R/W access for Root, Read for Group, and Read for Other - or a ls -la command in a shell will look like this: -rw-r--r-- -=- the first four possitions are "d" for directory, then three sets of three permissions - the first three are for OWNER, the next three are for GROUP, and the last three are for OTHER. With a ls -la output, you can see the permissions, and the owner, and the group. Root usually creates with Owner = Root - Group = Root -=- your "user" is probably not in the "group" of Root, and its Root user, so it falls into the permissions of "other" - which, in the above example, gives them READ access to whatever is being listed with those permissions.

I have about the same problem, I have "global" documents that I "share" between many users, and this form of permissions is not really intended for that "global" idea. You might try what I end up doing...

In a root shell: (try the following)

chmod 777 [file/folder]
chgrp [group] [file/folder]

chmod will change the permissions of "file/folder" to the following - rwxrwxrwx -=- owner, group, and other have read, write, execute and delete permissions with the "777" in the command above.

chgrp will change the "GROUP" the "file/folder" is associated to. If the group was root before, it will change the group to "group".

I created a "global" user group that contains all of my user logins names, and then did a chgrp to that group, that way any user that is in the "global" group can do anything with the file/folder.

If you want to include subdirs below the directory/folder in the above commands, like [file/folder] ... and anything in, and below, this - place a "-R" right after the commands above... like chgrp -R "group" "file/folder"

If a user trys to write permissions to a file, that they don't have permissions to do in the first place, the command will error out - that is why, in most cases, Root can make these changes.

Hope this helps,