View Full Version : Knoppix with usb cable modem Motorola Surfboard4200

05-03-2004, 07:39 PM
hi, how i configure my knoppix to qork with my usb cable modem Motorola Surfboard4200...??? the clabe modem is conected into usb port


05-03-2004, 11:29 PM
Don't know personally, but here is a link to setting it up in Linux http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Motorola-Surfboard-Modem/usb.html

But: please do yourself a favor and get a NIC and stop using the USB connection, it is very unsafe, it has no firewall, so you will have an open access to the net, but so will the bad dudes. Not to mention that there are issues with it in the windows operating system, (both my buddy and I had them, but as soon as I could I changed, and he did after he saw what I could see coming)