View Full Version : Monitor refresh rate

05-05-2004, 01:29 PM
I noticed by default it loads with 100hz, but im unsure if this is ok for it. It works fine, but when i had windows my max refresh was 85 with the correct monitor drivers. Can I keep it on 100 cause i dont feel like damaging the monitor?

05-05-2004, 04:54 PM
Refresh rates matter on the size of your Desktop also (the resolution, is this a the same size, or smaller) it also veries by the Verticle (sorry, can't spell very well), and Horizontal. The monitor is what determines the specs, you should google your monitor (perference is in windows since it wouldn't hose it) or you can try to find out by using the program Power Strip, if you can't get it on-line (since it reads what the Device sends, but not all monitors have that info).