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Altair-Duino Standard Altair 8800a Replica Emulator VT100 picture

Altair-Duino Standard Altair 8800a Replica Emulator VT100


3D Printed S-100 bus card guide set for Altair 8800 9 slot backplane picture

3D Printed S-100 bus card guide set for Altair 8800 9 slot backplane


(10) MC8T97 Driver/Buffer ICs for IMSAI 8080, Altair 8800, S-100 Boards picture

(10) MC8T97 Driver/Buffer ICs for IMSAI 8080, Altair 8800, S-100 Boards


Unbuilt Unassembled Altair-Duino Pro Kit | Altair 8800 Replica Clone picture

Unbuilt Unassembled Altair-Duino Pro Kit | Altair 8800 Replica Clone


MITS ALTAIR 8800 Computer | Powers Up | Complete |  picture

MITS ALTAIR 8800 Computer | Powers Up | Complete |


New Bagged Altair 8800 Micro Vince Briel Computers 8800 Replica with CD Manual picture

New Bagged Altair 8800 Micro Vince Briel Computers 8800 Replica with CD Manual


S-100 backplane motherboard bare PCB 9 slot (for Altair/IMSAI) picture

S-100 backplane motherboard bare PCB 9 slot (for Altair/IMSAI)


MITS ALTAIR 8800 88-2SIO S-100 Reproduction Board picture

MITS ALTAIR 8800 88-2SIO S-100 Reproduction Board


Build S-100 Bus Computer Peripherals Altair 8800 IMSAI 8080 Disk I/O Graphics picture

Build S-100 Bus Computer Peripherals Altair 8800 IMSAI 8080 Disk I/O Graphics


1978 Altair 680 SOL-20 IMSAI Apple II TRS-80 Cromemco Z2 BYT-8 MIKE 3 SWTPC 6800 picture

1978 Altair 680 SOL-20 IMSAI Apple II TRS-80 Cromemco Z2 BYT-8 MIKE 3 SWTPC 6800
