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Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links below or the search box above to find your way around.

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Huge Unisys/UniVAC MAINFRAME HARD DISK DRIVE, 1983, with giant foam clamshell picture

Huge Unisys/UniVAC MAINFRAME HARD DISK DRIVE, 1983, with giant foam clamshell


IBM 360/50 Mainframe Console Panel picture

IBM 360/50 Mainframe Console Panel


8008/8080 Mainframe ROM board 4410-1017F-C with 8 Intel C8702A EPROMS untested picture

8008/8080 Mainframe ROM board 4410-1017F-C with 8 Intel C8702A EPROMS untested


IMSAI 8080 Vintage Computer fully functional picture

IMSAI 8080 Vintage Computer fully functional


Vintage Electronic Soviet Mechanical Mainframe EVM Keyboard for ES USSR 1980's picture

Vintage Electronic Soviet Mechanical Mainframe EVM Keyboard for ES USSR 1980's


Vintage Commodore 64 Computer Keyboard Untested As Is One Owner picture

Vintage Commodore 64 Computer Keyboard Untested As Is One Owner


NMB Vintage Mechanical Keyboard RT6655TW Mainframe Keyboard picture

NMB Vintage Mechanical Keyboard RT6655TW Mainframe Keyboard


LOT of 5 - Vintage mainframe computer panel boards - scrap, art projects picture

LOT of 5 - Vintage mainframe computer panel boards - scrap, art projects





2 Piece Gamry Instruments PCI4G Controller & 300/750 Potentiostat Series G Board picture

2 Piece Gamry Instruments PCI4G Controller & 300/750 Potentiostat Series G Board
