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Altair-Duino Standard Altair 8800a Replica Emulator VT100
Vintage S-100 S100 Bus Paratronics 150 Bus Grabber Logic Analyzer Altair/IMSAI
Popular Electronics Magazine - January 1975 - ALTAIR 8800
3D Printed S-100 bus card guide set for Altair 8800 9 slot backplane
(10) MC8T97 Driver/Buffer ICs for IMSAI 8080, Altair 8800, S-100 Boards
MITS ALTAIR 8800 Computer | Powers Up | Complete |
New Bagged Altair 8800 Micro Vince Briel Computers 8800 Replica with CD Manual
S-100 backplane motherboard bare PCB 9 slot (for Altair/IMSAI)
1978 Motorola MEK6800-D1 MEK6800D2 Experiments 6800 Microcomputer Interfacing
Build S-100 Bus Computer Peripherals Altair 8800 IMSAI 8080 Disk I/O Graphics