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Vintage 5362 IBM System/36 Mini-Computer Mainframe 5291 2, CRT Terminal DM12N501 picture

Vintage 5362 IBM System/36 Mini-Computer Mainframe 5291 2, CRT Terminal DM12N501


Vintage Hewlett Packard HP 2100S Microprogrammable Computer System Mainframe #2 picture

Vintage Hewlett Packard HP 2100S Microprogrammable Computer System Mainframe #2


6 Vintage Computer Tape Reels mainframe 3200 5000 data ibm magnetic processor picture

6 Vintage Computer Tape Reels mainframe 3200 5000 data ibm magnetic processor


Pickering PXI CompactPCI Mainframe 40-914-001 picture

Pickering PXI CompactPCI Mainframe 40-914-001


vintage lot of 3 computer tapes mainframe data ibm magnetic reels picture

vintage lot of 3 computer tapes mainframe data ibm magnetic reels


1pc Vintage Soviet Aluminum Hard Drive 14in Platter Mainframe IZOT ES-5053 USSR picture

1pc Vintage Soviet Aluminum Hard Drive 14in Platter Mainframe IZOT ES-5053 USSR


VINTAGE CIRCUIT BOARD A3281-4 chip K1LB553 Soviet Mainframe Computer USSR 1970's picture

VINTAGE CIRCUIT BOARD A3281-4 chip K1LB553 Soviet Mainframe Computer USSR 1970's


NOS Vintage CRAY X-MP  SCALE MODEL Supercomputer Blue picture

NOS Vintage CRAY X-MP SCALE MODEL Supercomputer Blue


AlphaServer AlphaStation DS25 54-30466-31 CPU Board 1Ghz KN410-CA  picture

AlphaServer AlphaStation DS25 54-30466-31 CPU Board 1Ghz KN410-CA


Sage MAS 90 Software for Windows Financial Reporting Mainframe Collection picture

Sage MAS 90 Software for Windows Financial Reporting Mainframe Collection
