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MITS ALTAIR 8800 B  Original Vintage Microcomputer picture

MITS ALTAIR 8800 B Original Vintage Microcomputer


MITS ALTAIR 8800  Original Vintage Microcomputer picture

MITS ALTAIR 8800 Original Vintage Microcomputer


Solid State Music (SSM) MB-6 8K Static RAM Board for the S-100 bus IMSAI Altair picture

Solid State Music (SSM) MB-6 8K Static RAM Board for the S-100 bus IMSAI Altair


MITS ALTAIR 8800  Original Vintage Microcomputer with 14 boards - Buy It Now picture

MITS ALTAIR 8800 Original Vintage Microcomputer with 14 boards - Buy It Now


MITS ALTAIR 8800 88-2SIO S-100 Reproduction Board picture

MITS ALTAIR 8800 88-2SIO S-100 Reproduction Board


1977 IMSAI Altair 16K Static RAM Memory Industrial Micro Systems S-100 picture

1977 IMSAI Altair 16K Static RAM Memory Industrial Micro Systems S-100


1977 IMSAI Altair 16K Static RAM Memory Industrial Micro Systems S-100 picture

1977 IMSAI Altair 16K Static RAM Memory Industrial Micro Systems S-100


Altair MITS 8800 CPU Card 8080A S-100 S100 replica IMSAI CP/M  picture

Altair MITS 8800 CPU Card 8080A S-100 S100 replica IMSAI CP/M 


1977 IMSAI Altair 16K Static RAM Memory Industrial Micro Systems S-100 picture

1977 IMSAI Altair 16K Static RAM Memory Industrial Micro Systems S-100


1977 IMSAI Altair 16K Static RAM Memory Industrial Micro Systems S-100 picture

1977 IMSAI Altair 16K Static RAM Memory Industrial Micro Systems S-100
