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Thread: Knoppix V6.7.0

  1. #11
    Senior Member registered user
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    Sep 2006

    Kind of minirt init changelog...

    Here's the init changes (ADRIANE 6.7). Among other things, ext4 mounting is now in place.
    Also, the kernels, both 32 and 64 bits, have grown a lot - probably heaps of extra modules included as deemed necessary.

    < # (C) 2011 by Klaus Knopper <>
    > # (C) 2010 by Klaus Knopper <>
    <  local rc="1"
    <  # Try to be quick, and probe the "most likely" file systems first
    <      mount -t ext4 -o "$RW" "$1" "$2" || \
    <       mount -t ext3 -o "$RW" "$1" "$2" || \
    <        mount -t ext2 -o "$RW" "$1" "$2"
    <  rc="$?"
    <  # Still no luck? Try everything else that the (static) kernel supports
    <  if [ "$rc" != 0 ]; then
    <   local fs
    <   for fs in `awk '!/^nodev/{print $1}' /proc/filesystems 2>&1`; do
    <    case "$fs" in
    <     ext[234]|reiserfs|ntfs|fuse*|*fat|iso9660) ;; # Already did that
    <     *) mount -t "$fs" -o "$RW" "$1" "$2"; rc="$?";;
    <    esac
    <    [ "$rc" = "0" ] && break
    <   done
    <  fi
    <  return "$rc"
    >      mount -t ext3 -o "$RW" "$1" "$2" || \
    >       mount -t ext2 -o "$RW" "$1" "$2"
    >  return "$?"
    <   [ -r "$mod" -a ! -d /sys/module/"${mod%.ko}" ] && insmod "$mod" >/dev/null 2>&1
    >   [ -r "$mod" -a ! -d /sys/module/"${mod%.ko}" ] && insmod "$mod"
    <  *\ vga=[0-9]*|*debug*|*\ splash*) true;; *) echo -n "";;
    >  *\ vga=[0-9]*|*debug*|*\ splash*) true;; *) echo -n "";;
    < message \
    < '     _    __  __    __  _____    _____    _____    __  _  __      ___   _______
    <     / /  / / /  |  / / / ___ \  / __  \  / __  \  / / | |/ /    / ___/  \___  /
    <    / /__/ / /   | / / / /  / / / /__/ / / /__/ / / /  \   /    / /_      __/ /
    <   / / _ -  / /| |/ / / /  / / / _____/ / _____/ / /   /  |    / __ \    /_  _\
    <  / /  \ \ / / |   / / /__/ / / /      / /      / /   / /\ \  / /_/ / _   / /
    < /_/   |_|/_/  |__/  \_____/ /_/      /_/      /_/   /_/ |_|  \____/ /_/ /_/'
    < #@@@GvR
    <     # Try using other (SMB) mounts
    <     [ -z "$MOUNTED" ] && [ -x /static/mount.cifs ] && { if [ -n "$NFSDIR" ]; then
    <         message -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Trying to SMB mount CD on ${MAGENTA}$NFSDIR${BLUE}...${NORMAL}"
    <         message   /static/mount.cifs "${NFSDIR}" /mnt-system -r -o guest,noserverino,nounix
    <                   /static/mount.cifs "${NFSDIR}" /mnt-system -r -o guest,noserverino,nounix > /dev/null 2>&1  && MOUNTED="yes"
    <         [ -z "$MOUNTED" ] && umount /mnt-system > /dev/null 2>&1
    <     fi; }
    < #@@GvR
    <   checkbootparam "bootfrom" || debugshell
    >   debugshell
    < # Return existing device names listed as regular expressions
    < listpartitions(){
    <  local pattern file
    <  for pattern in "$@"; do
    <   for file in $(find /sys/class/block -maxdepth 2 -name "$pattern"); do
    <    file="${file##*/}"
    <     [ -b "/dev/$file" ] && echo "/dev/$file"
    <   done
    <  done
    < # awk 'BEGIN{old="__start"}/'"$1"'/{if($0==old){exit}else{old=$0;if($4&&$4!="name"){print "/dev/"$4}}}' /proc/partitions # Insufficient, does not find CD-Roms
    < }
    < #@@@GvR Bootfrom Section start
    < BOOTSYS="/mnt-system"   
    < if [ ! -r "$BOOTSYS/$knoppix_dir/KNOPPIX" ]; then
    <  # find BOOTFROM variable (/dev/sda1/boot/k620/*.iso)
    <  BOOTFROM=""; bootfrom="";
    <  for i in $CMDLINE; do case "$i" in [Bb][Oo][Oo][Tt][Ff][Rr][Oo][Mm]=*) eval $i;; esac; done
    <  [ -n "$bootfrom" ] && BOOTFROM="$bootfrom"
    <  if [ -n "$BOOTFROM" ]; then
    <   # we may have an ISO file, try mounting it
    <   BOOTISO="/mnt-iso"; BOOTDEV=""; BOOTFILE=""
    <   mkdir -p $BOOTISO $BOOTSYS
    <   [ -b /dev/loop1 ] || mknod -m 755 /dev/loop1 b 7 1
    <   if [ -n "$NFSDIR" ]; then
    <    umount $BOOTSYS; MOUNTED=""
    <    message nfs remount "${NFSDIR}" "${BOOTISO}" -o ro,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,hard,nolock,intr$SECUREOPTIONS 
    <    mount "${NFSDIR}" "${BOOTISO}" -o ro,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,hard,nolock,intr$SECUREOPTIONS > /dev/null 2>&1 && MOUNTED="yes"
    <    if [ -z "$MOUNTED" ]; then
    <     umount $BOOTISO >/dev/null 2>&1
    <     if [ -x /static/mount.cifs ]; then
    <      message cifs remount "${NFSDIR}" "${BOOTISO}" -r  -o guest,noserverino,nounix
    <      /static/mount.cifs   "${NFSDIR}" "${BOOTISO}" -r  -o guest,noserverino,nounix > /dev/null 2>&1  && MOUNTED="yes"
    <      [ -z "$MOUNTED" ] && umount $BOOTISO > /dev/null 2>&1
    <     fi
    <    fi
    <   else
    <    BOOTDEV=$(echo "$BOOTFROM" | awk -F/ '{print $1"/"$2"/"$3}')
    <    message -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Trying to mount the ISO partition ${MAGENTA}$BOOTDEV${BLUE}...${NORMAL}"
    <    trymount "$BOOTDEV" "$BOOTISO" >/dev/null 2>&1
    <   fi
    <   if [ ! -r "$BOOTISO/$BOOTFILE" ]; then umount $BOOTISO >/dev/null 2>&1
    <    message "${CRE}${RED}Cannot mount the partition ${MAGENTA}$BOOTDEV${NORMAL} (cannot find: ${RED}${BOOTISO}/${BOOTFILE}${NORMAL})"
    <    ls -al "$BOOTISO"
    <   else
    <    message -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Trying to mount CD image on ${MAGENTA}${BOOTFILE}${BLUE}...${NORMAL}"
    <    losetup /dev/loop1 "$BOOTISO/$BOOTFILE" && mount -r /dev/loop1 $BOOTSYS >/dev/null 2>&1
    <    if [ ! -r "$BOOTSYS/$knoppix_dir/KNOPPIX" ]; then umount $BOOTSYS >/dev/null 2>&1
    <     message -n "${CRE}${RED}Cannot mount CD image on ${MAGENTA}${BOOTFILE}${NORMAL}"
    <     umount "$BOOTSYS" >/dev/null 2>&1
    <     losetup -d /dev/loop1 >/dev/null 2>&1
    <    else
    <     message -e "\r${CRE}${GREEN}$DISTRO ${FOUNDAT}: ${MAGENTA}${BOOTDEV}/$(cd $BOOTISO; ls -a $BOOTFILE)${NORMAL}       "
    <    fi 
    <   fi
    <   # try to find ISO in an alternate locations using the same path
    <   if [ ! -r "$BOOTSYS/$knoppix_dir/KNOPPIX" ]; then
    <    message -n "${CRE}${MAGENTA}Trying to find the ISO image in an other partition...${NORMAL}"
    <    # If USB storage device, wait for USB...
    <    if [ -d /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usb-storage ]; then WUSB="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"; else WUSB="1"; fi
    <    for i in $WUSB ; do
    <     for BOOTDEV in $(listpartitions 'hd[a-z]' 'hd[a-z][0-9]*' 'scd[0-9]*' 'sr[0-9]*' 'sd[a-z]' 'sd[a-z][0-9]*'); do
    <      if [ -b "$BOOTDEV" ]; then
    <       message -n -e "\r${CRE}${BLUE}Searching for ISO in: ${MAGENTA}${BOOTDEV}${NORMAL}   "
    <       trymount "$BOOTDEV" "$BOOTISO" > /dev/null 2>&1
    <       if [ ! -r "$BOOTISO/$BOOTFILE" ]; then umount $BOOTISO >/dev/null 2>&1; else
    <        message -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Trying to mount CD image on ${MAGENTA}${BOOTFILE}${BLUE}...${NORMAL}"
    <        losetup /dev/loop1 "$BOOTISO/$BOOTFILE" && mount -r /dev/loop1 $BOOTSYS >/dev/null 2>&1
    <        if [ ! -r "$BOOTSYS/$knoppix_dir/KNOPPIX" ]; then
    <         umount $BOOTSYS >/dev/null 2>&1
    <         losetup -d /dev/loop1 >/dev/null 2>&1
    <        else
    <         message -e "\r${CRE}${GREEN}$DISTRO ${FOUNDAT}: ${MAGENTA}${BOOTDEV}/$(cd $BOOTISO; ls -a $BOOTFILE)${NORMAL}       "
    <        fi
    <       fi
    <      fi
    <     done
    <     if [ -r "$BOOTSYS/$knoppix_dir/KNOPPIX" ]; then
    <      break
    <     else
    <      message -n -e "\r${CRE}${BLUE}${WAITFORUSB}${NORMAL} $i ";
    <      sleep 1
    <     fi
    <    done
    <   fi
    <  fi
    < fi
    < if [ -r "$BOOTSYS/$knoppix_dir/KNOPPIX" ]; then MOUNTED="yes"; FOUND_KNOPPIX="true"; fi
    < #@@@GvR Bootfrom Section end
    < amount=$(awk -F: '/^MemTotal/{printf "%d",int($2); exit 0}' /proc/meminfo 2>/dev/null); #'
    > amount=$(awk -F: '/^MemTotal/{printf "%d",int($2); exit 0}' /proc/meminfo 2>/dev/null)
    < #@@@GvR add "ramdisk" parameter to allow specifying ramdisk size, otherwise just use max(ram*4/5,2000)M
    < for i in $CMDLINE; do case "$i" in [Rr][Aa][Mm][Dd][Ii][Ss][Kk]=*) eval $i;; esac; done
    < case "$ramdisk" in
    <  [0-9]*[KMG]) RAMDISK="$ramdisk" ;;
    < esac
    < if [ -z "$RAMDISK" ]; then
    <  if [ "$TOTALMEM" -ge 2000 ] >/dev/null 2>&1; then
    <    RAMDISK="$(expr $TOTALMEM / 5)"; RAMDISK="$(expr $RAMDISK \* 4)M"
    <  else
    <    # Too large, but we can still use swapspace
    <    RAMDISK="2G"
    <  fi
    < fi
    < #@@@GvR
    > # Return existing device names listed as regular expressions
    > listpartitions(){
    >  local pattern file
    >  for pattern in "$@"; do
    >   for file in $(find /sys/class/block -maxdepth 2 -name "$pattern"); do
    >    file="${file##*/}"
    >     [ -b "/dev/$file" ] && echo "/dev/$file"
    >   done
    >  done
    > # awk 'BEGIN{old="__start"}/'"$1"'/{if($0==old){exit}else{old=$0;if($4&&$4!="name"){print "/dev/"$4}}}' /proc/partitions # Insufficient, does not find CD-Roms
    > }
    < if [ -z "$FOUND_KNOPPIX" -a -z "$TSCLIENT" ]; then
    > if [ -z "$TSCLIENT" ]; then
    < mount -t tmpfs -o size="$RAMDISK",dev,suid,exec tmpfs /ramdisk
    > mount -t tmpfs -o size=2G,dev,suid,exec tmpfs /ramdisk
    <  [ -r /KNOPPIX/lib/ -a -x /KNOPPIX/"$cmd" ] && /KNOPPIX/lib/ --library-path "/KNOPPIX/lib:/KNOPPPIX/usr/lib:/KNOPPIX/lib/i386-linux-gnu" /KNOPPIX/"$cmd" "$@"
    >  [ -r /KNOPPIX/lib/ -a -x /KNOPPIX/"$cmd" ] && /KNOPPIX/lib/ --library-path "/KNOPPIX/lib:/KNOPPPIX/usr/lib" /KNOPPIX/"$cmd" "$@"
    <  for base in $home /mnt-system/"$knoppix_dir"/knoppix-data /mnt-system/knoppix; do
    >  for base in /mnt-system/"$knoppix_dir"/knoppix-data /mnt-system/knoppix; do

  2. #12
    Senior Member registered user
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    May 2006
    Columbia, Maryland USA
    Since I find 6.7 pretty solid for my meager needs, I'll complain about
    something else.

    Looking at the new minirt init reminds me that there's been no revision
    of the Knoppix cheatcodes in a long time.

    The last time I checked I thought there were some omissions and some
    ambiguities that ought to get corrected.

    Anyone else have this feeling?

  3. #13
    Senior Member registered user
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    Sep 2006
    I think the cheatcode list could get an overhaul, yes. I'm not so sure about the need for new codes, generally. They should only be introduced with new functionality, when needed.

    New functionality may be introduced without the need for new cheatcodes. With the latest init modification, Knoppix has, in fact, become completely file system-agnostic wrt what kind of system carries the Knoppix files.

    Now, init goes through the usual list (ext4 now included, that inclusion possibly prompting Klaus to take it further). When no mount is achieved, init goes through the kernel's file system capabilities, and tries anything not already tried. This means, that for a new application using some odd-type fs, (think Knoppix on your espresso machine or some other embedded device), it is enough to compile the odd-type fs module into the kernel, and copy the ordinary files over. From there on, things are, in principle, handled just like they resided on FAT32, ext3, etc.

    The most significant new cheatcode I can think of now, is squashfs. Knoppix should absolutely support squashfs out of the box, but the init modifications needed are rather small, almost trivial. (I've uploaded a patch against 6.4.4 init to handle cloop and squashfs transparently for the end user..)

    We have been talking about several kinds of new functionality, and the best way to proceed, I think, is to make an example implementation that could be directly included and publish it, like I have done with squashfs.

    Right now, the basic system I run is remastered 6.4.4 pure 64-bits, with custom compiled kernel and squashfs image. This is written in iceweasel 5 running off the 6.7.0 DVD iso image under qemu-kvm, 1GB RAM (System RAM 8GB). I just synaptic-installed and test ran R in this vm, so I think I can say things are working right off the shelf here.

  4. #14
    Senior Member registered user
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    Columbia, Maryland USA
    @ Capricorny

    Two questions for you:

    1. My cat /proc/filesystems says my kernel knows squashfs. From your post #13 should I expect
    that Knoppix 6.7 will mount squashfs _without_ some unique new cheatcode?

    2. Are you tracking what Ruymbeke is doing in regard to minirt.gz mods for 6.7?
    There is a very recent thread to that effect elsewhere on these forums.


  5. #15
    Senior Member registered user
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by utu View Post
    @ Capricorny

    Two questions for you:

    1. My cat /proc/filesystems says my kernel knows squashfs. From your post #13 should I expect
    that Knoppix 6.7 will mount squashfs _without_ some unique new cheatcode?

    2. Are you tracking what Ruymbeke is doing in regard to minirt.gz mods for 6.7?
    There is a very recent thread to that effect elsewhere on these forums.

    1. No, not at all. That initial trymount is for the basic file system, it has nothing to do with the later aufs-mounting of files from that file system. Besides, that mounting currently applies only to file systems, not files. Think it is very special to create a squashfs file system on some writable drive.. But it is surely possible to make all sorts of modifications to init - it's only question of why.

    2. I haven't looked into Ryumbeke's modifications so far, but I'm going to do it some time. As far as I have understood, it's not so much about squashfs, which has been the main concern for several of us. It doesn't seem that he aims at something that might get included in stadard init either, but I don't know for sure. As for myself, I don't need more than that minimal set of modifications right now. And I am using the same kernel and minirt for full HD installs and compressed images.

  6. #16
    Senior Member registered user
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    Correction to my posts #3 & #5 about Chromium & Flash

    I am embarrased to admit that I've got Chromium working with flash, after all.
    Not being familiar with its symbology, I missed the clue that 'some plug-ins are blocked'.
    Look for a little icon with a red 'x' in the address bar at the top.

    Even so, I prefer Firefox-5 1st, IceWeasel-3.6 2nd and Chromium 3rd.

    My bad. I don't know why the default is to block the built-in capability.

  7. #17
    Senior Member registered user
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    Dec 2009
    Is knoppix V6.7.0 more usable inside virtualbox compared to 6.4.4 ? Does it still need the 'noudev', after that mouse is not working ?

  8. #18
    Senior Member registered user
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    Feb 2010
    On my system (Oracle VirtualBox 4.0.12 on Windows 7 host) it is not necessary to use the cheat code 'noudev' but it takes about 3 minutes until the LXDE is ready to use.

  9. #19
    Senior Member registered user
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    Columbia, Maryland USA
    (Not in response to Virtual Box context)

    In 6.4.4, I used 'fromhd=/dev/sb1' or similar and it seemed to speed up
    finding my knoppix LiveUSB.

    I can't complain about 6.7 being slower to load thant 6.4.4 since the
    network manager 50 second hangup I used to complain about is now gone.

    However, it looks like 'fromhd...' is pretty much ignored in 6.7 , at least initially.
    I would guess this now would only make a second or two difference,
    so why bother(?)

    Is this obvious from those who read the init of the new minirt.gz?
    Last edited by utu; 08-07-2011 at 12:03 PM.

  10. #20
    Senior Member registered user
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by klaus2008 View Post
    On my system (Oracle VirtualBox 4.0.12 on Windows 7 host) it is not necessary to use the cheat code 'noudev' but it takes about 3 minutes until the LXDE is ready to use.
    Ok then I will try to download it tomorrow and give it a shot. Thanks.

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