
Tag: touchscreen

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  1. How do I enable touchpad-tapping?

    Started by rafal_rr, 09-27-2010 10:13 AM
    synaptics, tap, tapping, touchpad, touchscreen
    • Replies: 4
    • Views: 31,152
    Last Post: 09-29-2010 01:27 PM
    by kl522  Go to last post
Results 1 to 1 of 1

Atari 800xl Case/Chasis in very good condition picture

Atari 800xl Case/Chasis in very good condition


Atari XF351 Disk Drive 3.5

Atari XF351 Disk Drive 3.5" Disk Drive for Atari XE/XL/800/400


A8picoCart Atari 130XE 65XE 800XL  XEGS multicart UnoCart atarimax clone picture

A8picoCart Atari 130XE 65XE 800XL XEGS multicart UnoCart atarimax clone


A8PicoCart Kit Atari 130 65XE 800XL 600XL XEGS unocart clone multicart game picture

A8PicoCart Kit Atari 130 65XE 800XL 600XL XEGS unocart clone multicart game


Atari 800xl 65xe 130xe XEGS  Pico.  A8PicoCart.  Loaded with ROMs Gray/Gray picture

Atari 800xl 65xe 130xe XEGS Pico. A8PicoCart. Loaded with ROMs Gray/Gray


Atari 800/XL/XE SpartaDosX and Action Reproduction Cartridges picture

Atari 800/XL/XE SpartaDosX and Action Reproduction Cartridges


ATARI ST Din13 TO VGA Adaptor LOW-MEDIUM/HIGH Switchable with Audio Out picture

ATARI ST Din13 TO VGA Adaptor LOW-MEDIUM/HIGH Switchable with Audio Out


Atari Falcon 030 + 14MB + Dual CF Reader + Atari Mouse + VGA Connector  + Box picture

Atari Falcon 030 + 14MB + Dual CF Reader + Atari Mouse + VGA Connector + Box


UnoCart 2.6k Atari 2600 UnoCart 2600 w/ firmware 2.3.17 picture

UnoCart 2.6k Atari 2600 UnoCart 2600 w/ firmware 2.3.17


Atari 800xl 65xe 130xe XEGS  Pico.  A8PicoCart.  Loaded with ROMs White/White picture

Atari 800xl 65xe 130xe XEGS Pico. A8PicoCart. Loaded with ROMs White/White
