I've never seen a live CD -- any live CD, including MandrakeMove, SuSE, PCLinuxOS, etc. -- that got the time right when running off of the CD. Don't know why, but do know it's not just a Knoppix problem.
the set date/time function seems too be off, i set the time in the window to 21:58, which is 9:58. it set it too 5:58. plus the date is off by a day, so the clock is off by four hours, meaning the set time which is 21pm, is showen as 5pm
I've never seen a live CD -- any live CD, including MandrakeMove, SuSE, PCLinuxOS, etc. -- that got the time right when running off of the CD. Don't know why, but do know it's not just a Knoppix problem.
I tend to agree with Eco2Geek....
When I was running the Knoppix v3.3 - still am - the Live CD thought I was on Pacific, which is 2 hours off from where I am - after hd installing - the same held true. I have heard that some people on the Pacific time zone, get Central, or even Eastern time zones. One person, if I recall correctly, was in Mountain time zone and was getting time shifted from England.
I think this is all "fall out" of who, and where, the original CD mastering was being done, but don't hold me to it, its just a thought.
You may be interested in this message on the Knoppix mailing list -- it lists a script that is supposed to set the time off of an ntp server on a Knoppix hard disk install.
well... on 3.3 the time seemed too be ok, ive never bothered looking at the time zone because i never use knoppix enough where i would have rely on it.....
ahhhh ok, the actual clock on the change time date window changed too the correct orentation when i switched too the right time zone... but it keeps going back too UTC when i close the window.
you mean too tell me they never bothered too fix this?
Well, although Cuddles and Eco2geek imply that this is rather minor (and, for the most part, I agree), I don't recall having this issue with v3.2 2003-06-06, and wrong time stamps can cause more serious problems. For example, I noticed during boot a large amount of white-on-black text (never a good sign) talking about how one thing or another in my persistent home or saved configuration is XXXX seconds in the future. I THINK that these messages are simply advisory, as the word "error" does not appear in the text, and I didn't see any evidence that these items weren't loaded. OTOH, I am having some problems when using the myconfig and home cheatcodes, and I can't rule out the possibility that this date issue could be partially to blame. From what I can tell, both the date and the hour at startup remain the same as they were at the previous shutdown, but the minutes are accurate.
Obviously, it's really tough to convince a Windows user of Linux reliability when the OS can't even tell time. If that happened in Windows, the critics would be making a laughingstock of Microsoft.
well, yes i am a windows user, just getting started with linux, but i only see the clock problem a little annoyence then anything eleseOriginally Posted by j.drake
Not to mention that, when you install Knoppix to your hard drive, you can reconfigure the clock, and it works fine. The weird time display only happens when you run Knoppix live off the CD.
Saying you're making a judgement about "how reliable Linux is" by looking at the time display while running Knoppix off a live CD strikes me as, to put it bluntly, stupid. (And in more than one way. "Knoppix Live CD" does not equal "Linux.") Try installing it on a hard drive before you make that judgement.
Then again, if people think "Knoppix" equals "Linux," that just shows how high-profile Knoppix has become.
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