
I have now extended my web page at http://godot.be (go for the animated penguins) to provide quick and easy usage guidelines for knoppix 3.4's new hard disk installation tool knx2hd and for the old knx-hdinstall utility.

in addition to these installation procedures, this page has also become a mature page on installing and configuring various types of hardware I came across and needed non-trivial fine tuning (e.g., firewire, cd/dvd burners, modems, tape drives, etc.), and provides examples and howtos for complex and less complex commands I commonly need (usually oneliners), but coiuld not easilly find elsewhere.

a secondary mirror of this page can be found at http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~decockd -> animated penguin, and a tertiary mirror at http://godot.studentenweb.org.

hope you will enjoy this page and its information as much as I do...

cu, g.

ps: I use the installation procedures myself on a very regular basis, i.e., they have been successfully tested