Maybe someone can help me on my parallel port LS-120 SuperDisk. Using Knoppix 3.3. Here is what I have done (as root)(with 1.44 disk inserted on boot):
mkdir /mnt/ls120
fstab shows:
Added this to fstab:
/dev/pf0 /mnt/ls120 auto user, noauto,rw 0 0 (& saved).
insmod parport
insmod paride
insmod epat
insmod pf (caused drive to activate--made whirring noise)
mount -t vfat /dev/pf0 /mnt/ls120 says 'special device pf0 does not exist'
pf is block 47
Here is what I get in 'dmesg' after doing the above:
pf0:MATSHITA LS-120 COSM 04, master LUN 0,type 0,removeable,2880 blocks.
I have also tried other procedures to no avail. How do I create a 'special device'??
Works fine under Windoze. Any help will be appreciated.