When setting up my printer in configure/printer I am able to install the printer and load the drivers but when I try and print a test page everything seems like it goes but nothing prints.

I have tried following the instructions given here http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Debian-and...ing/index.html

However this doesn't seem to work either.

I have tried Googling also but can't find any information that will help me out.

I'm using Knoppix 3.4 HDD Install and trying to print to a Lexmark Z43.

It's just strange that it will tell me the page printed but when I look at the printer there is nothing there.

Update: I have installed File and print sharing on the Win2K box and also enabled the guest account, I can now scan for the printer in KDE and install it that way, however it still will say that it is printing but nothing will print.