Now that is one of the best ideas I've seen in a long time. Have to change my USB-distro now!
Feather Linux (a Knoppix remaster) has an interesting new feature, I wonder whether this would make sense to integrate into Knoppix: customisation ability - simply place all the .deb, .tgz and .tar.gz
files in an /extra directory on your CD-ROM or USB stick, create a
"deblist" file which contains the names of the .debs and the order to
install them, and then boot with "knoppix custom".
Now that is one of the best ideas I've seen in a long time. Have to change my USB-distro now!
Cool, glad you like it
I haven't written a HOWTO as yet, but essentially it's simple for .tar.gz and .tar.bz2s, and for .debs you just create a deblist file which contains a list of .debs (one on each line) in the order you wish to install them - this makes sure that all dependencies are satisfied.
How do you install software into the system? Do you use an overlay filesystem? Perhaps you can post some details please. I am wonderiong whether your method could be used for klik.
Well, I just load the whole system into RAM - Feather's small enough for that to be viable. However, what you can do is create a system of symlinks that link back to the /KNOPPIX directory in the ramdisk, and simply have any new files be installed on the ramdisk.
Something along the lines of:
cp -srd /KNOPPIX/usr/ /ramdisk
ln -sf --target-directory=/ /ramdisk/usr
But still, an overlay filesystem (such as ovlfs with SLAX?) sounds good, I think it would make a good addition to Knoppix if it goes well with cloop.
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