Please help me. I am totally confused. I have re-installed knoppix 3.4 almost 10 times this week.

I boot knoppix 3.4 cd ..login knoppix26 noscsi. i open root and run knoppix-installer. knoppix installs fine.

now i d/l linux-2.6.5.tar.gz to /usr/src/ and untar it there.

(now for my orinoco wireless card w/monitor mode) i d/l orinoco-0.13e-dragorn-patch.diff and run patch -p1< /usr/src/linux-2.6.5/drivers/net/wireless/orinoco-0.13e-dragorn-patch.diff. ok , 4 files patched sucsessfully.

still ok.....

in /usr/src/linux-2.6.5 i do

make menuconfig
make modules modules_install

ok..after 1 1/2 hours it finishes.. i reboot.

when i choose option 2-linux-2.6.5 from lilo, it boots and i login but it will not recognize the wireless card AT ALL.

now heres what confuses me....if i reboot and choose option 1-linux-2.4.24 (or whatever the default is) it boots and i login. My POINTER does not work, and neither will a standard serial mouse.

FUNNY thing is if i tab over to root shell, i run ifconfig and my wireless shows up. Also, if i run iwpriv eth0 .... it shows the additional 'monitor' (the reults of my patching the kernel source)

Please help clarify this....

1.) why does my cursor/pointer/mouse work when i choose option 2 from lilo (linux-2.6.5) and the wireless doesnt.

2.) why does the wireless patch work under linux-2.4.24 (i understood that i patched and recompiled 2.6.5) and why DOESNT my pointer/mouse work anymore.

How many kernels does a knoppix h/d install run???? i was under the impression that it could only use 1.

Please, Please someone explain this to me. I dont want hand holding, but i am now so confused.