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Thread: huge problems mounting a cdrom and a cd rw.

  1. #1
    Member registered user
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    Apr 2004

    huge problems mounting a cdrom and a cd rw.

    i was told that this might be a bug in the distro...
    I am using Overclockix hd installed which is a knoppix remastered.

    this is how my fstab looked like before any changes. NOTE that i do not have a dvd and overclockix auto-named the devices as dvd and cdaudio1

    /etc/fstab: filesystem table.
    # filesystem mountpoint type options dump pass
    /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
    /dev/hda2 none swap sw 0 0
    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022 0 0
    /dev/dvd /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdaudio /cdaudio iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hdb5 /mnt/hdb5 ntfs noauto,users,exec,ro,umask=000 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000 0 0

    and this is my mtab

    /dev/hda1 / ext3 rw,errors=remount-ro 0 0
    none /proc proc rw 0 0
    devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 0
    usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs rw 0 0
    /dev/cdaudio /cdaudio iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0

    i click on the cdrom icon and i get an error saying : error kdektop

    unable to run the specified command. THe file or folder file:/mnt/cdrom does not exist

    same thing for the cd wr

    as root i try to create a folder names cdrom in the mnt directory and it does not let me .

    From a console i do this: mount /mnt/cdrom and it does not let me . I can see the cdrom and cdaudio folder in the root partition though

    I corrected the fstab because i did not mount them in /dev but instead i said /mnt/cdrom

    /dev/cdaudio /mnt/cdaudio1 iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0

    Then, the cdrom worked fine but i was still getting this error for the cdrw

    Could not mount device.
    The reported error was:
    mount: special device /dev/cdaudio does not exist

    in the /mnt dir there is a cdrom folder and a cdaudio folder

    i just tried burning an ISO image using the cd rw and it worked fine. On the other hand though, when i create a new device cdrw on my desktop , i get the above error

    ls -al /dev | grep cd
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 29, 0 Apr 14 2001 aztcd0
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 41, 0 Apr 14 2001 bpcd
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 May 17 22:45 cdrom -> sr0
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 24, 0 Apr 14 2001 cdu535
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 30, 0 Apr 14 2001 cm206cd0
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 16, 0 Apr 14 2001 gscd0
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 24, 0 Apr 14 2001 lmscd
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 23, 0 Apr 14 2001 mcd
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 May 17 22:40 mcdx -> mcdx0
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 20, 0 Apr 14 2001 mcdx0
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 20, 1 Apr 14 2001 mcdx1
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 20, 2 Apr 14 2001 mcdx2
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 20, 3 Apr 14 2001 mcdx3
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 20, 4 Apr 14 2001 mcdx4
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 17, 0 Apr 14 2001 optcd
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 46, 0 Jun 2 2001 pcd0
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 46, 1 Jun 2 2001 pcd1
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 46, 2 Jun 2 2001 pcd2
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 46, 3 Jun 2 2001 pcd3
    crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 2, 221 Apr 14 2001 ptycd
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 May 17 22:40 sbpcd -> sbpcd0
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 25, 0 Apr 14 2001 sbpcd0
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 25, 1 Apr 14 2001 sbpcd1
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 25, 2 Apr 14 2001 sbpcd2
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 25, 3 Apr 14 2001 sbpcd3
    brw-rw-r-- 1 root cdrom 11, 0 May 30 2001 scd0
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 1 May 30 2001 scd1
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 10 May 30 2001 scd10
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 11 May 30 2001 scd11
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 12 May 30 2001 scd12
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 13 May 30 2001 scd13
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 14 May 30 2001 scd14
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 15 May 30 2001 scd15
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 16 May 30 2001 scd16
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 2 May 30 2001 scd2
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 3 May 30 2001 scd3
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 4 May 30 2001 scd4
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 5 May 30 2001 scd5
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 6 May 30 2001 scd6
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 7 May 30 2001 scd7
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 8 May 30 2001 scd8
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 9 May 30 2001 scd9
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 18, 0 Apr 14 2001 sjcd
    brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 15, 0 Apr 14 2001 sonycd
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 17 22:40 sr0 -> scd0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 17 22:40 sr1 -> scd1
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 May 17 22:40 sr10 -> scd10
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 May 17 22:40 sr11 -> scd11
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 May 17 22:40 sr12 -> scd12
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 May 17 22:40 sr13 -> scd13
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 May 17 22:40 sr14 -> scd14
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 May 17 22:40 sr15 -> scd15
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 May 17 22:40 sr16 -> scd16
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 17 22:40 sr2 -> scd2
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 17 22:40 sr3 -> scd3
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 17 22:40 sr4 -> scd4
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 17 22:40 sr5 -> scd5
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 17 22:40 sr6 -> scd6
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 17 22:40 sr7 -> scd7
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 17 22:40 sr8 -> scd8
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 May 17 22:40 sr9 -> scd9
    crw-rw-rw- 1 root tty 3, 221 Apr 14 2001 ttycd

    as of today , this is my fstab

    /etc/fstab: filesystem table.
    # filesystem mountpoint type options dump pass
    /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
    /dev/hda2 none swap sw 0 0
    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022 0 0
    /dev/dvd /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdaudio /mnt/cdaudio iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hdb5 /mnt/hdb5 ntfs noauto,users,exec,ro,umask=000 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 vfat noauto,users,exec,umask=000 0 0

    i do not have a dvd drive but the dvd in the fstab was entered by knoppix , not by me.

    in the / root partition i see a folder named cdaudio and another one cdrom

    in the /dev directory i see only a cdrom nothing for cdaudio

    once again i did not give my cdrw the name cdaudio. It was named like that by default.

    ls -al /dev/dvd
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 May 17 22:45 /dev/dvd -> /KNOPPIX/dev/dvd

    i do not have a dvd drive. Myabe knoppix thinks the cdrw is a dvd ???

    ls -al /dev/cdrom
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 May 17 22:45 /dev/cdrom -> sr0

    i have 2 IDE devices. one cd rom and one cd rw

    please help as this thing is driving me nuts

  2. #2
    Member registered user
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    Apr 2004
    48 reads and not a single reply?

  3. #3
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    what does
    dmesg|grep sr
    dmesg|grep CD
    dmesg|grep sc
    put output here.
    i have a feeling there might be a link pointing wrong

  4. #4
    Member registered user
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by OErjan
    what does
    dmesg|grep sr
    dmesg|grep CD
    dmesg|grep sc
    put output here.
    i have a feeling there might be a link pointing wrong

    dmesg|grep sr
    sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 52x/52x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
    Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
    sr1: scsi3-mmc drive: 77x/52x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
    Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
    end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1
    end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1
    end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1
    end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1
    end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1
    end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    sr0: disc change detected.

    dmesg|grep CD
    hdc: CDU5211, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
    hdd: Memorex 52MAXX 2452AJ, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive
    Vendor: SONY Model: CD-ROM CDU5211 Rev: YYS7
    Type: CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
    Type: CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
    Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.12
    Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
    Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0

    dmesg|grep sc
    vesafb: scrolling: redraw
    Using anticipatory io scheduler
    ide-cd: passing drive hdc to ide-scsi emulation.
    ide-cd: passing drive hdd to ide-scsi emulation.
    ide-scsi is deprecated for cd burning! Use ide-cd and give dev=/dev/hdX as device
    scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
    scsi1 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
    sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 52x/52x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
    Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
    sr1: scsi3-mmc drive: 77x/52x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
    Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
    Fix your initscripts?
    scsi2 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
    Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi2, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
    originally by Donald Becker <>
    EFS: 1.0a -
    ts: Compaq touchscreen protocol output
    Attached scsi generic sg0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0, type 5
    Attached scsi generic sg1 at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0, type 5
    Attached scsi generic sg2 at scsi2, channel 0, id 0, lun 0, type 0
    sr0: disc change detected.

  5. #5
    Senior Member registered user
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    Mar 2004
    hmmm, something seemnot 100% on the one caller sr0.
    SONY Model: CD-ROM CDU5211 Rev: YYS7
    it keeps saying:
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1
    end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1
    sr0: disc change detected.
    is that your cdrw? a far shot is that could it be the jumpers that are not set right OR the cable not 100% incerted. not likely though, another is the switch detecting that the drive is closed is somewhat faulty.

  6. #6
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    so that means that the drive is faulty? i doubt it . It is not like i just installed it. Its been there long enough and it works ok under windows. I can even burn an iso image using the cdrw on linux. The problem is that i can not create an icon of it and have it mount whatever cd i insert it. For example , the other day i want to copy all the files from a cd to my home dir and i got the error i posted 3 posts up etc...

  7. #7
    Member registered user
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    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by OErjan
    hmmm, something seemnot 100% on the one caller sr0.
    SONY Model: CD-ROM CDU5211 Rev: YYS7
    it keeps saying:
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1
    end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 0
    Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 1
    sr0: disc change detected.
    is that your cdrw? a far shot is that could it be the jumpers that are not set right OR the cable not 100% incerted. not likely though, another is the switch detecting that the drive is closed is somewhat faulty.
    no this is not the cdrw
    this is just the cd rom

  8. #8
    Senior Member registered user
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    Mar 2004
    If you have two cd drives, you should create two links for them, for example:
    You normally mount only data-cds, and you may put them in one of those drives.
    Of course you could put two audio cds in the drives, but that's another issue.

    The 'dvd' - entry in your fstab is just a default, and not related to your cd rw.
    Remove it.
    Your drives are probably managed by a hd-controller.
    /dev/hda is normally the first device on the first controller - your first harddisk.
    If a cd-drive is connected at the same cable, it is /dev/hdb.
    If not, your cd-drives are /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd.

    For read-only data-cds you create according fstab-entrys:
    /dev/hdc	/mnt/cdrom	iso9660	...
    /dev/hdd	/mnt/cd2	iso9660 ...
    The cd-writing needs a scsi-emulation. Therefor the name of the device is
    /dev/sr0. But the message tells you to use the /dev/hdX - syntax though.
    So you create a link /mnt/cdrw.
    And an entry in fstab

    /dev/hdX  /mnt/cdrw auto defaults 0 0
    for the beginning. (replace X by the right letter).

  9. #9
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Similar Error

    I am having a similar problem. I just performed a knoppix harddrive install. everything Works except for my cd-rom drives. I cannot mount either dvd or cdrw device.

    Here is my fstab:
    # /etc/fstab: filesystem table.
    # filesystem mountpoint type options dump pass
    /dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1

    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/fd0 /floppy vfat defaults,user,noauto,showexec,umask=022 0 0
    usbdevfs /proc/bus/usb usbdevfs defaults 0 0
    sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
    /dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdrom1 /cdrom1 iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/dvd /dvd iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    /dev/cdaudio /cdaudio iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hda2 /mnt/hda2 auto noauto,users,exec 0 0
    # Added by KNOPPIX
    /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 ntfs noauto,users,exec,ro,umask=000 0 0

    And here is what dmesg|grep sr returns:
    matt@va-10:~$ dmesg|grep sr
    Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
    Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
    sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 20x/48x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray
    sr1: scsi3-mmc drive: 40x/40x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray

    I have no clue what is wrong. Help always appreciated.

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