As of 5-31-04 the Knoppix is in 3rd place in Major distros, but 1st in live CDs
Seems as Knoppix is now the second-most-popular Linux in the world: -> the ranking is on the right-hand side
Congratulations Klaus Knopper, fabianx and all the others who make this huge success possible!
As of 5-31-04 the Knoppix is in 3rd place in Major distros, but 1st in live CDs
...and quite right too! this stuff is going to revolutionize the OS market. I've installed 3 Windoze and 3 Knoppix/Debian installs recently and it's laughable watching the Redmond Ruin stagger through hardware detection, network setup etc, 'Please Wait...While Windows...............<freezes>; Well Bill, I've spent the last 15 years kicking your crap into shape and I reckon I've had years of 'empty time', sat there doing nothing while the numbers get slowly crunched, hours into days into weeks... ...Windows needs to restart your computer... ohhh for ..'s. sake!!!!!
I got the new Knoppix 3.4 CD today (upgrading from 3.2 on a hdd install) and I swear to God, all set up, configured, uploading and downloading before I'd organised the coffee. 'KIN BRILLIANT! .. .and not only that, it just keeps getting better, more stuff on the Klik ( it, download it , use it...simple!.this is almost too much for an old boy like me, what will I do with all this extra time? where's me pipe and slippers?![]()
lamerie: Thanks for that post- I'm still laughin'.
brilliant:while the numbers get slowly crunched![]()
I must totally agree. I thought exactly the same when I installed Windows for someonesome days ago... It becomes so obvious when you are used to Knoppix. Come on... Preparing installation, Installing, Detecting hardware, Rebooting, Deleting temporary files, Preparing for first launch, Activating, Hotfixing, Phoning home, Messing up Registry... and finally... Annoying.Originally Posted by lamerie
How could we ever use that stuff?![]()
Some friends were given a 300 P2 64Mb system a while ago, they are complete and utter noobs and have no deep and abiding interest in New Technology. but would like email and web access I fixed up a Win98 install and when I'd finally nailed it down the thing was so slooow with the weight of Anivirus/firewall/spyware programs (seemed to take an ice age to start) they'd already lost interst and retired to the patio for a drink....
When I get the anguished call "its gone all blue!!!!' I'm straight over there with a Knoppix 3.4 CD, and a spare CD drive. Set up a PHD, config file, desktop shortcuts to kppp, firefox and kmail, 10 minutes max? oh, and in case UK users don't know, UK2.Net do a free 0845 (Lo-Call) dialup, 0845 665300, prefix 1470 if witheld. Any user name, any password you want - very handy for instant dial-up access in the UK (no, I don't work for no-one, OK?) And they'll be happy puppies and I can get back to my pipe![]()
Probono, just realised you were the mind behind klik, respect!!![]()
Originally Posted by lamerie
the name says it all, I have a user called l_user and I d/l'ed firefox for linux but I didn't find how to just run it... If I d/l this to my AMD 2000 XP box as a live cd it works fine, but as a hdd install I don't see what's wrong, my user account has execute permissions... what things should I check... btw if you a link for me to read, I'll follow that too
Thanks in advance...
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