I'm testing a fresh HDD install of Knoppix 3.4
and dual booting Linux/Win98_SE via lilo
with the 2.6.6 Linux Kernel ....

** sk@cpq1:~$ uname -a
**Linux cpq1 2.6.6 #2 SMP Fri May 14 20:38:30 CEST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux ....

Platform is a 5 year old 250 MHz Compaq
with 192 MB Memory ....

Previous knx_3.2 CD and HDD installs on this machine
were very stable and had no aDSL connection
problems with the same NIC/modem and without
any configuration on my part at all ....

However, under knx_3.4 the aDSL connection
times out more than it connects ....

** An error occurred while loading http://www.google.com:

** Timeout on server Connection was to www.google.com at port 80

I can connect to .....

** o This Forum and other Knoppix.Net sites
** o www.ibm.com
** o www.sun.com
** o a few other sites .....
** o my newsreader ( Knode OK )

But I can NOT connect to .....

** o google.com
** o almost any other search site
** o python.org
** o my mail client ( Kmail )

It is probably noteworthy that the knx_3.4 CD install
on this machine was VERY rocky, almost scary,
when using the Linux 2.4 Kernel, but OK when booting
with the 2.6 Kernel ....

** boot: knoppix26

I've seen some of the same problems mentioned
on this forum by others ....

** o all icons disappearing from the desktop
** o browser closing from just dragging the scrollbar ....

I tried increasing the timeout values in the KDE Control Center
Internet/Network/Preferences but it didn't seem to help ....

The md5sum of the downloaded knx_3.4 iso file
used to create the bootable CD checked out OK ....

Any clues or config advice would be greatly appreciated ....

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona