I have created a Knoppix 3.4 CD running Linux 2.4.26 with the grsecurity patch and a modified net/ipv4 kernel and all commercial services turned #<off>#. Now any box booted by my disk cannot be seen by any nmap search or any commercial software while the box is in invisible mode. But...

I would also like to employ the Rule Based Access Control feature of grsecurity. This requires an /sbin/gradm -E call to begin using my Access Control List. I have chrooted to the base directory of my iso source and performed the gradm2 "make" and "make install" tasks. But when I perform the /sbin/gradm -E command from my ...source/etc/rc3.d/S99script, I get:
Could not open /dev/grsec
open: no such device or address

I have added "REGISTER grsec PERMISSION root.root 0622" to ...source/etc/devfs/conf.d/50lvm. It did not help???

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.