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Thread: livecd -> hd install versus standard distro install

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2004

    livecd -> hd install versus standard distro install

    hello ppl,

    I was just wondering if my reasons for trying out a live cd then doing a hd install of it are still valid.

    my reasons were: none of the distros I tested had the almost perfect hardware recognition while knoppix or kanotix are perfect for the hardware I use.

    Now what would be a better distro talking about those two? I heard kanotix is better if I am aiming at a hd install and thats definitely what I want.

    any opinions?

    Please do not treat this as a usual "whats better...?" post, I am talking about a hd install ( need a live cd for that) and want the end product not to be too far from the original distro (in this case debian)

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2003
    A Kanotix install will get you closer to a pure debian install. There are some pros and cons you may want to consider...nothing too major. For instance I believe Kanotix only comes with a 2.4 kernel at the if you want 2.6 and don't feel like adding it (which Kano has a script to make easy) keep that in mind. Kanotix is also not a good idea if you have a system that's highly outdated. Both will give you good debian-based first choice would probably be Kanotix though.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2004
    well I want to get it finally running on my laptop. I have knoppix up an running but get plenty of errors during boot up. I thought I might give kanotix a chance as I have got both cds here ....
    only tested knoppix so far and it is per fect concerning hardware detection.

    p.s. forgot to mention I got a morphix cd as well - worth trying or not really competitive for what I want it for?

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by champagnemojo
    Kanotix is also not a good idea if you have a system that's highly outdated. Both will give you good debian-based first choice would probably be Kanotix though.
    You know....Kano does say Kanotix is optimized for newer hardwaer but I actually installed Kanotix on a p166 w/ 96M ram. It's working fine w/ icewm and of couse it's much better than windows on that same box. Go figure.....

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