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Thread: ISO boot from FAT/NTFS/USB (GRUB.exe, grldr from boot.ini)

  1. #551

    stalled at booting


    I tried using 'vga=0 'at "menu.lst" of grub boot,it worked.
    title Knoppix511 from hda7 ISO cloop scan

    kernel (hd0,6)/boot/knoppix.402/linux ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init nomce lang=us vga=0 noprompt apm=power-off fromhd=/dev/hda7 knoppix_dir=/boot/knoppix.402 knoppix_name=KNOPPIX
    initrd (hd0,6)/boot/knoppix.402/minirt_511.gz

    Now I can get rid of blank screen at booting on acer V72ma Motherborad,but the booting stalled at
    "..check if image is isn't (bad gzip magic numbers),looks like a initrd"

    what should I do next to boot into knoppix 511 normally?

  2. #552
    Moderator Moderator
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    Menlo Park, California

    Re: stalled at booting

    Quote Originally Posted by musclemania20079
    I tried using 'vga=0 'at "menu.lst" of grub boot,it worked.
    title Knoppix511 from hda7 ISO cloop scan
    kernel (hd0,6)/boot/knoppix.402/linux ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init nomce lang=us vga=0 noprompt apm=power-off fromhd=/dev/hda7 knoppix_dir=/boot/knoppix.402 knoppix_name=KNOPPIX
    initrd (hd0,6)/boot/knoppix.402/minirt_511.gz
    Now I can get rid of blank screen at booting on acer V72ma Motherborad,but the booting stalled at
    "..check if image is isn't (bad gzip magic numbers),looks like a initrd"
    what should I do next to boot into knoppix 511 normally?
    Greetings from France and Switzerland.
    I assume that you have overwritten the Knoppix 4.02 files with the Knoppix 5.11 files.
    (you are still using a knoppix.402 directory, and obviously you cannot mix versions of Knoppix)
    Anyway, does your system boot properly with a Knoppix cdrom ?
    If if doesn't, most likely the boot from the iso will behave the same way and will not work.
    Since the iso boot works on all the system I got the chance to try and I do not have a system like yours,
    I don't really know how to investigate. This may be a limitation from Knoppix not my iso boot customization.
    Did you verify the integrity of the iso file, or did you try kernel cheatcodes as decribed in the knoppix-cheatcodes.txt file:
    knoppix noagp noaudio noapm noapic acpi=off nodma nopcmcia noscsi nousb, ...
    Please share your findings with everybody.
    Hope this helps,

  3. #553
    Senior Member registered user
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ruymbeke
    If updated the linuxrc to use fusermount -uz /cdrom (and not umount /cdrom) in order to not mess up
    the /etc/mtab. The partition hosting the iso file is now mounted properly in /media with a link to /mnt
    and is now accessible from KDE. But I still cannot make it writable from kde nor from a su shell.
    As a dirty work around I added two kernel cheatcodes: ntfs_rw & linuxrc_exit=...
    in order to boot with the partition holding the iso file as writable (ntfs_rw) and
    run any program before exiting the linuxrc for debug purpose (linuxrc_exit=/static/bash)
    Please find below a link to this updated alpha test version of minirt:
    FYI, ntfs-3g -o remount is not supported yet, but if the ntfs partition is not used to boot
    mount -o remount works just fine... Any help to investigate why the ntfs-3g driver behaves differently
    for the mount/umount and prevent to write in the iso boot partition will be greatly apretiated.
    Best Regards,
    Well Gilles,
    The cheatcode ntfs_rw worked for me. The boot drive has the knoppix.iso, which is also ntfs format... and was always stuck on read only. I copied about 15 files in a knoppix subdirectory over to the windows side. All using an iso image. No extracting KNOPPIX and KNOPPIX2 or anything. Funny I had a problem using the minirt_511.gz. I had to get the "a" version. didn't mention it... just the 511 version.
    Thanks Gilles.

    John Woods

  4. #554
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2004

    PMI: K37 works, K511 doesn't

    Can someone please help. I am trying to get an ISO of a Knoppix 5.11 CD working for a poor man's install in a similar way that I have 3.7 working. My setup with Win2K SP4 on NTFS is as follows:-

    - grldr (from grub4dos-0.4.3)
    - boot.ini
    [boot loader]
    [operating systems]
    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" /fastdetect
    c:\grldr="Start Grub"
    - menu.lst
    title Windows 2000
    	rootnoverify (hd0,0)
    	chainloader +1
    title Knoppix 3.7 kernel 2.6 from NTFS hda1 ISO scan ramdisk=32MB
    	kernel (hd0,0)/boot/knoppix.37/linux26 ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 nomce quiet bootfrom=/dev/hda1/boot/knoppix.37/*.iso config=scan home=scan ramdisk=32768 noprompt
    	initrd (hd0,0)/boot/knoppix.37/minirt26_ntfs.gz
    title Knoppix 5.11
    	kernel (hd0,0)/boot/knoppix.511/linux ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 nomce quiet bootfrom=/dev/hda1/boot/knoppix.511/*.iso config=scan home=scan ramdisk=32768 noprompt
    	initrd (hd0,0)/boot/knoppix.511/minirt_511.gz
    - C:\BOOT\Knoppix.37 directory contains the following files
    - C:\BOOT\Knoppix.511 directory contains the following files
    linux (extracted from the above iso)
    The 3.7 boots fine. With 5.11, although it looks good initially, I get the error:
    /dev/hda1/boot/knoppix.511/*.iso: ISO not found, search for alternate locations:
    Use of this ISO: /dev/hda1/boot/knoppix.511/*.iso
    Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem, sorry.
    something briefly flashes up about /dev/hda1/boot/knoppix.511/*.iso
    being unmountable and then it drops me into a very limited shell.

    Any constructive comments welcome.

  5. #555
    Senior Member registered user
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    Sep 2006
    Well it looks like you have used a Knoppix.511, in the directory name... and specified a knoppix.511 in all your menu.lst stuff.
    Try renaming your Knoppix.511 to knoppix.511 and see.

    Windows may not see any difference if you cd to C:\Boot (which should also be lowercase according to your menu.lst) and try and:
    ren Knoppix.511 knoppix.511 in a dos box, and do nothing. I have usually used an intermediate name and never had a problem when doing it that way.

    cd C:\Boot
    ren Knoppix.511 tempdir
    ren tempdir knoppix.511

    Or you could adjust your menu.lst to be a case sensitive match to your directory names.
    Secondly... try using a full name to specify your iso filename. I always rename them to something simple like knoppix.iso.

  6. #556
    Moderator Moderator
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    Menlo Park, California

    Knoppix 5.3.1 ISO boot (with "ntfs_rw" cheatcode)

    Please find below the link to my first shoot at an updated Knoppix 5.3.1 minirt supporting ISO boot from ntfs, fat, ext, reiser,... (Md5: 5516434f6c74b3fd3f7cb941de6edd47 * )
    For your convenience, the zip file includes: grldr, grub.exe, menu.lst, linux (kernel) and minirt_531.gz.
    Please note that as requested by John Woods, I also included the "ntfs_rw" kernel cheatcode
    (besides all the previously added cheatcodes as hostname=[mycustomname|auto-clock|auto-mac], ...)
    FYI, this is the grub menu.lst config file I used:

    title Knoppix 5.3.1 from sda1 ISO
    	kernel (hd0,0)/boot/knoppix.531/linux ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init bootfrom=/dev/hda1/boot/knoppix.531/*.iso vga=791 noprompt apm=power-off nomce quiet lang=us dma screen=1024x768 hostname=knx531 highres=off loglevel=0 libata.atapi_enabled=1 SELINUX_INIT=NO nmi_watchdog=0 ntfs_rw
    	initrd (hd0,0)/boot/knoppix.531/minirt_531.gz
    Have fun and please provide some feedback !
    Best Regards,

    PS: It looks like that the VmWare Tools 6.0.3 (build 80004) do not install properly on the Knoppix 5.3.1 kernel (help would be apreciated)

  7. #557
    Senior Member registered user
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    Sep 2006

    Your miniroots... well I just can't do without them. They have become indispensible.

    This one... Works for me!
    (Now maybe I can have a look at Knoppix 5.3.1 and see what's new.)

    I have my iso as /dev/hdb9/Knoppix-5.3.1/Knoppix.iso ... and it found it.
    That would be an ext3 partition... I'll test my ntfs later as I have to move some around.
    Since I've stopped using Windows nowadays... I have less need for ntfs partitions.

    Thank You.

  8. #558
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2008

    Boot 5.1.1 ISO from USB via Syslinux?


    I have used your system to boot the Knoppix 5.1.1 ISO from a hard drive via GRUB4Win (thanks!!), but I'd now like to also boot it from a USB key that already boots via Syslinux. (I setup the key to boot UBCD4Win using someone else's Syslinux config files; I'm a Syslinux newbie.)

    I thought it should be simple enough to copy the linux, minirt_511a.gz and Knoppix ISO to /knoppix.511, and convert my HDD version of your GRUB boot config:
    title Knoppix 5.1.1 from hda7 ISO
    	kernel (hd0,0)/boot/knoppix.511/linux ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 ntfs_rw nomce quiet bootfrom=/dev/hda7/ISO/knoppix.511/*.iso config=scan home=scan ramdisk=32768 noprompt noaudio
    	initrd (hd0,0)/boot/knoppix.511/minirt_511a.gz
    to what I think should be the equivalent Syslinux config on the USB (looking at the other existing Syslinux boot entries), by changing all the path references and reversing the KERNEL (but not cheatcode) slashes:
      MENU LABEL Launch Knoppix 5.11a
      KERNEL \knoppix.511\linux ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 ntfs_rw nomce quiet bootfrom=/knoppix.511/*.iso config=scan home=scan ramdisk=32768 noprompt noaudio
      APPEND initrd=/knoppix.511/minirt_511a.gz
    However, when I boot from the key and select the Knoppix entry, it says it's booting from /knoppix.511/linux, but then says
    Could not find kernel image /knoppix.511/minirt_511a.gz
    I tried reversing the slashes to "\" (since the other boot menu entries use backslashes) but get the same result.

    Can someone explain what I'm missing here? Thanks!

  9. #559
    Senior Member registered user
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    Sep 2006
    I just noticed... this thread has over 400,000 views... wow.
    First, I would take the backslashes out.

    Syslinux seems to be booting... so if you edit syslinux.cfg using a good editor that will preserve your line endings (kwrite is good enough) and
    use mine you will be almost there. I formatted my 8GB thumbdrive with a small FAT partition, and then the rest as ext3. Why ext3? Windows XP...
    in it's infinite wisdom decided to allow only one partition on removable media. It refused to recognize the second partition properly. As an ext3 partition, it ignores it... at least.

    The small FAT partition holds the minirt and kernel and the files from the /boot/isolinux directory in the root directory. I have a knoppix.img(persistent $home file) in sda2 as well as the tohd KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX files. The ntfs_rw cheatcode is Gilles' solution to having a home on the same drive as a KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX tohd installation. Without that cheatcode... you would need to make another partition for your knoppix.img file. Up to you.

    DEFAULT linux
    APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=mini511a.gz nomce dma noeject loglevel=0 quiet ntfs_rw home=/media/sda2/knoppix.img myconfig=/media/sda2 BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix 2
    TIMEOUT 300
    PROMPT 1
    DISPLAY boot.msg
    F1 boot.msg
    F2 f2
    F3 f3
    LABEL knoppix
    KERNEL linux
    APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=minirt.gz nomce noeject loglevel=0 quiet home=scan myconfig=scan BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix 2
    LABEL expert
    KERNEL linux
    APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 initrd=minirt.gz nomce BOOT_IMAGE=expert 2
    LABEL memtest
    KERNEL memtest
    APPEND foo
    LABEL knoppix-txt
    KERNEL linux
    APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=normal initrd=minirt.gz nomce loglevel=0 quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix 2
    LABEL debug
    KERNEL linux
    APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=normal initrd=minirt.gz debug BOOT_IMAGE=debug 2
    LABEL fb1280x1024
    KERNEL linux
    APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=794 xmodule=fbdev initrd=minirt.gz nomce loglevel=0 quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix 2
    LABEL fb1024x768
    KERNEL linux
    APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=791 xmodule=fbdev initrd=minirt.gz nomce loglevel=0 quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix 2
    LABEL fb800x600
    KERNEL linux
    APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off vga=788 xmodule=fbdev initrd=minirt.gz nomce loglevel=0 quiet BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix 2
    LABEL dos
    KERNEL balder.img
    LABEL failsafe
    KERNEL linux
    APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us vga=normal atapicd nosound noapic noacpi pnpbios=off acpi=off nofstab noscsi nodma noapm nousb nopcmcia nofirewire noagp nomce nodhcp xmodule=vesa initrd=minirt.gz BOOT_IMAGE=knoppix 2
    LABEL userdef
    KERNEL linux
    APPEND ################################################## ################################################## ################################################## ################################################## ################################################## ################################################## ################################################## ################################################## ################################################## ################################################## ###########

  10. #560
    Moderator Moderator
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    Menlo Park, California

    USB Boot

    Why do you want to use isolinux to boot from your usb dongle when grub could do it so much better ?
    As an example, the "e" command allow you to modify your boot parameter temporarely but on the fly, which is very usefull for debug !
    The "c" command allow to enter the shell interactive mode and test for a new boot without even modifying the config file
    and with auto-completion (by pressing tab). Grub can read data from multiple partition types and even
    from the network (pxe) if compiled with network support. Grub is a great boot loader...

    Why use KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX when you could use the iso file directly and have it ready for a friend to try Linux
    by burning that same iso to a CD/DVD without duplicating data.

    The ntfs_rw cheatcode is required only for ntfs partitions which cannot be re-mounted on the fly as a writable media
    because ntfs-3g doesn't support remount yet. Other boot partition types (fat, ext, reiser) can use the command
    mount -o rw,remount ... to write data to the boot partition (containing the iso file)

    FYI, I have a multi boot configuartion on my USB dongle (formatted fat32) from which I can boot multiple OS and tools as:
    various flavors of knoppix, memtest86, ghost (with dos network support), acronis echo & dd and Linux network installers
    for OpenSuse, Mandrake, Ubuntu, ...
    Best Regards,

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