Quote Originally Posted by ruymbeke
Please find below the link to the Knoppix 5.2 update of the iso boot minirt:
Have fun, and please provide some feedback...
Hi Gilles,
starting with the first 4*-DVD of Knoppix I went from a loadlin-install of Knoppix to your version with grub and the patched minirt.gz

I just tryed to go to the 5,2 c't-Version, but I'm running into some trouble:
The Kernel shows correctly as, it tells me that my iso is found on /dev/hda6 OK (ext3-filesystem), but then, when it should say something like "accessing KNOPPIX CDROM -
/cdrom2.loop/*.iso " it only says

acessing KNOPPIX CDROM failed; can't find KNOPPIX filesystem

...and I'm in the limited shell.

I went ahead and burned the iso to a dvd => this runs just fine.
The md5 of my iso is:
fdbff1d8b93d4c1a724cb68b4e4f8bf2 knx520.iso

Any suggestions?

Thatnks in advance!
