Quote Originally Posted by ruymbeke
This not totally true: I don't remember how I did it (some flag -o ... need to be added to the re-mount), but you can still grant write access to the ntfs partition where the 700MB knoppix resides. The disk is mounted as /cdrom and you need the capture ntfs drivers/script to be run. Obviously you don't want to move or delete the knoppix file since you are using this file but I remember having modified my menu.lst in the NTFS partition using knoppix having booted from it... But I don't know yet about a config or persistent home being as well on that NTFS partition...
Right, I said that it was the feedback, not that it was true. In fact there was a period of time in which I had PH, image and configs all in the SAME partition without problem. But this does not appear to be consistent. Recently, I had problems, and I'm at a loss to explain why.

For that matter, I'm at a loss to explain why, from time to time, Knoppix "forgets" that it has a PH set up. The data are still in the partition - but the Klik wrappers don't work and the "home" button pulls up maybe two files, neither of which I put there. Of course, I can typically dig around and find shells to launch the programs, but like with Firefox, all the extensions and preferences are gone, and none of the desktop or menu shortcuts work. Sometimes it recovers, and sometimes I just have to redo the PH (on a positive note, it's a good way to make sure my programs are up to date - if Klik weren't so darn easy and fast, I'd be really PO'ed).

Does anyone know enough about the mechanics of the PH setup to offer a guess as to why the PH magically disappears from time-to-time? For an OS that's reputed to be so stable, I sure am getting a lot of random stuff happening!
