For the last few days I have been using Knoppix 3.4 with myconfig and PH. (I destroyed my mbr mesing about with lycoris) However yesterday I received a msg from a postmaster from an email server informing me that an email could not be delivered because the recipient's mailbox was full. I've never heard of this person, so I certainly didn't intend sending them an email. Later in the day as I was sending an email, a mozilla dialogue poppped up to ask me if I wanted to send the email in plain text as the recipient was probably set up to reject html. As far as I was concerned I was sending a plain text email anyway. So I got to thinking whatt could be causing it? Is it likely that I have picked up some form of trojan etc. using knoppix? If so where will it be hiding, PH or myconfig file? Does anybody know?
Thanks in advance